My mind is a ghost,
Wandering free
Most of the time
I don't even know where it goes
Sometimes it takes me
To a happy place
Where I ride on unicorns over rainbows
And fall into wells of candy floss
Other times
It makes me worry
Because I imagine things
That probably won't happen
And sometimes,
If you ask me
What I'm thinking about
When I'm lost in a trance
Looking dramatically into the distance
(But actually I just look bug-eyed and possessed)
Like I'm thinking of something really deep
(I'm probably not)
I won't even know!
I guess,
It's kinda normal though
To not know how your mind works
How you get from one thought to the other
How you come up with ideas
How you dream
It just worries me
That a lot of the time
I really have no idea,
No absolute clue,
What goes on up there!
The Journey
PuisiHey guys, I've decided to publish an anthology, not necessarily based on my own experience, but my collected thoughts and ideas. I'm putting out a poem a day. I hope you enjoy it..