Chapter Nineteen

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Mario POV**

I walked in court to see Teyana sitting there. She was dressed nicely showing her baby bump. I blow a kiss at MY sista. Man was she strong person doing all this.

"So Mrs. Teyana what happen the night of office Wayne's murder"they asked her

"I went over and chilled with mane. He got a Lil physical and hit me. I don't know what was going on. Out of nowhere a whole bunch of boys bust in the house and was demanding money and things. They put there guns up. I heard the door knob wiggle. The boys picked me up and told me yo leave. I guess cause they seen my baby bump. And that's all I know"she explain

Man her story was believable on life. She looked at me from the stand and smiled

"Mrs Teyana your lying about something ma'am its just something. Because Mane was never at the house" the man said

"Enough of the lies have the jury reached a verdict"the judge said

"Yes we have. We sentenced Mrs. Mitchell three years with possible parole"

I seen her eyes lite up and my heart dropped damn. This was some bullshit. My sista was only like seventeen. What the fuck was she being charged with. I never cried but to see her cry broke my heart.

After that I went and picked up her forms for visitation and everything. I got like five minutes to talk to her and I headed out.

When I pulled up at Trey house it was some cars over.

"Wassup p"he said when I walked in the door

"Bruh why wasn't you at court today"I asked

"Damn i had forgot what they say?"he asked sitting up smoking the blunt

"They gave ha three years she gone mane"I said

He shook his head. "She wanted me to let you know she find out what she having this week so next week be at the visitation. I put three fifty on her books"

"Okay man"he replied before walking off

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