Charlie and Will burst through the door laughing.
"I can't believe I actually said that!!" Will couldn't contain his laughter.
The guys had just gotten back from stopping SHADY's first crime, and I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm.
"You were all like" Charlie switched to a mocking voice as he said "Hey, want a good mission? Well, not today!"
Their laughter echoed through the house. Will gasped for air between fits of laughter, and Charlie wasn't much better. Their joy was so infectious, I couldn't help but laugh too.
I may not have been there but I can imagine just how cheesy that would have been. That's my brother; the king of cheesiness.
"I guess it went well?" I said. I was hoping to get the full story, not just one line.
Their laughter didn't even slow. I looked at them. I don't think they even heard me.
"Did it go well?" I repeated. This time I said it more loudly.
Charlie composed himself long enough to say "Yeah it really did." His laughter slowed before turning into a smile.
"It was great!" Will added composing himself too. "We came in with costume badges and they thought they were real."
"They even put their guns down allowing everyone to leave. That was when Will here delivered his show stopping line. 'Not today'. And he said it with such confidence too." As soon as Charlie finished sharing this he dissolved into laughter again. His shoulders were shaking and his face was turning red.
"That was when we admitted that we were liars and the police were here. They ran out the back. It was hilarious They were terrified." Will shared, completing the story.
This time when I joined their laughter I understood what I was laughing about. That was actually pretty funny.
"I wish I could have seen that! It would've been hilarious!" I said before starting to laugh again.
"I just can't believe they fell for it. That plan should never have worked." Added Will. Instead of laughing hard he resorted to chuckling.
Charlie and Will sat down, their laughter slowing until it was gone. In its place stood a happy calm. The silence allowed me to spend some time in my thoughts. Laughter comes so rarely it is a sweet treat.
I still remember the first time I laughed after my brother's dissapearance. Kallen just brought it right out of me. I really miss her.
I wonder how she's enjoying married life. She'd ask about my brother, and I'd have to admit he still won't open up. She'd also want to know our next move in this fight. That thought made me pause. What are we doing next? The last mission was a success, but I hadn't really thought about what came after. Now that I think about it, I have no idea what the next step is. I should know that, right? I glanced at the guys, still lost in their own thoughts. I decided to ask.
"So what's next?" It felt like my words echoed in the silence. I almost regretted saying it.
"What do you mean?" Asked Charlie confused.
"Like, what are we going to do next. Are we working on the cabin more? Are we going on a rescue mission? Are we going to expose the criminals? What?"
"Well, the next thing we have officially planned is to interfere with SHADY's break in. That is less than a week away." Will answered.
"Yeah, and the cabin is finished. Did you hear something concerning from..." Charlie paused to think, putting one finger on his chin. Dropping his hand he asked "What was his name anyway?"
Rachel Shore's Answers
MaceraRachel Shore has spent years trying to move forward from her grief, but unanswered questions about her brother's disappearance keep her trapped in a destructive cycle. When a new lead surfaces, she refuses to ignore it. This discovery pulls her into...