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Author's Note: This is my first time ever writing fanfiction!! Hopefully this story isn't a remake from anyone else's work (though it very well could be) If there are any typos or grammar mistakes please let me know nicely!! Please comment and leave suggestions! I hope you guys enjoy!


First I heard a sinister beeping slowly becoming audible. It was as though the sound was unmuffling itself. Next I felt the bed. There were lights above me, which led me to think I was in a hospital.

I opened my eyes to confirm what I was guessing; it was a hospital indeed. The beeping was a heart monitor; why did I have a heart monitor? What happened to me? I felt a growing pain on the right side of my head... That could have something to do with it.

Much to my surprise, in a chair beside my bed was a sleeping boy. He had his hand resting in mine, which led me to believe he had been holding it before. He seemed fairly tall, even though he was sitting down you could tell.

He was attractive. He had straight black hair, though it was slightly messy (which was just a brutal side effect to sleep). He was wearing black skinny jeans and a gray sweater with foxes on it.

Maybe he knew what happened to me. I slowly moved my hand out from underneath his and as I did so he moved a bit. His moving made me jump and then he woke up with a start. Good going, clumsy.

He looked at me, and his eyes lit up. The boy's electric blue eyes made me gaze. He was beautiful. But it was clear he hadn't slept in a while; I felt bad for waking him up.

He jolted up, tears in his eyes now, and hugged me tightly.

"Dan! On my god, you're okay! You're alright thank god." The boy said in a slightly squeaky energetic voice.

I hugged him back, trying not to let on that I had no idea who he was. "Yeah.." My voice cracked; wow I'm awkward. I cleared my throat and tried again, "yeah I'm fine! Uhh... What happened to me exactly?"

The boy pulled away and gave me a confused expression, "you mean you don't remember?" He said, almost laughing as though he couldn't believe it.

I shook my head hesitantly.

The boy sighed. I couldn't tell if it was out of disbelief, disappointment, or relief. Maybe a combination of all three.

Suddenly his expression morphed from confused to worried. "Dan... Do you know who I am?"

He looked so desperate. I wished I could remember him so badly. C'mon Dan think...
I looked to the ground and furrowed my eyebrows trying to remember something... Anything.

"Oh my god..." I heard the boy say. There was a break in his voice and I looked up to see that he was crying. He sat down in his chair and held his face in his hands.

"No... Please don't cry. I... j-just...wait... Hold on just give me a second, I'll get it..." I began to panic. There were a million names floating around my head, but they were just names, no faces or bodies to go with them. I had nothing.

"I-I'm sorry." I felt so awful. Aside from the headache, I felt like I was letting him down. And that was a worse pain than the headache. "It'll be okay Philly, I-I'll figure it out, I swear." I tried to comfort him as I reached out a hand and ran my thumb back and forth over his shoulder.

The boy looked up, "What did you just call me?" He said hopefully.

My eyes widened and I smiled, "Ph-Phil! Philly! Phil Lester!" The name just flowed so naturally, I didn't even know I was saying it. It was almost muscle memory, like I've said it often.


I was remembering something...

I was shoved onto a bed by someone when I heard a snap from beneath it, as though a slat had broken. "Fuck it." I said.
Someone climbed on top of me and as they came closer to me I saw it was Phil.
The look of lust in his eyes was intoxicating.
He kissed me, passionately, and my heart skipped a beat.
He smiled and as he began removing my shirt I heard music playing.
"Often... Often... Girl I do this often..."

The memory faded.

It was him. In that memory. We were about to...


He must be my boyfriend. Honestly, I wish I remembered more from that night. It seemed like a pretty good time.

I looked to the boy and smiled, "You're my boyfriend, aren't you Phil?"

He laughed a bit, "Yeah... I am. But to the fans we're just 'flatmates.'"

"Fans?" I responded. He had fans? Did I have fans?

He really laughed at this, "How hard did you hit your head?"

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