"Of the evil that waits to destroy our soul, protect us oh mighty one. For in you I trust."
These were the words of Jessica as she cleaned herself that night, for she knew that what had happened to her was a sign of some terrible fate which was ready to reveal itself. In her heart she had many questions but all she knew then was whatever was happening, was happening for a reason and to find that reason she would have to pay a price that might take a lot from her.
She could not sleep after that and she waited for the dawn to break, as it was morning she picked up her luggage and moved to the hall way. Her father waited there for her, he was up quite early to drop her to the station.
Mr. Collins, "morning sweet heart, come have your breakfast and then I will drop you to the station. Hope you have done your packing well."
Jessica, "morning dad, yes don't you worry I have taken everything needed."As they were having breakfast, Jessica's dad noticed that she looked a bit lost, as the usual chirpier girl was quite and completely disintrested in eating.
Mr. Collins, "Jess, is there something bothering you honey?"
Jessica, "nothing dad" (she smiled at him)
Mr. Collins, "you know there is no way in this world that you can hide your troubles from me. Tell me, what is it? You don't want to go on this trip? Should I speak to father Collins?"
Jessica, "hey dad, relax, everything is fine. Just that I had a little head ache this morning. I am really excited for this journey."
Mr. Collins, "ok sweetheart, let me get some medicin."
Jessica, "dad come here, sit besides me. I am fine (she held her fathers hand and hugged him). You are the best father ever and I love you so much."
Mr. Collins hugged her too, "you sweet heart are the best daughter ever."
Mr. Collin's phone started buzzing, it was father Mendez, he answered the phone and informed him that they were on the way. So Jessica and Mr. Collins left for the station, as they reached they saw father Mendez waiting for them at the station.
Father Mendez, "come on soon, you guys are late."
Mr. Collins, "hello father, let me help you get the luggage in the train."
Jessica, "hello father."
Father Mendez, "hello dear one, God bless the both of you and bless this journey. Joie you don't have to worry about Jessica, we will be back very soon."
Mr. Collins, "I am not worried at all father, Jessica please take good care of father. May it be a journey to help you find your purpose my daughter. I love you, take care and good bye."
The train moved from the station and headed towards Edunsteen, as Jessica and the priest settled down Jessica kept thinking would it be right to bother father Mendez right now with so many questions that she had in her heart regarding the dreams that she had seen and specifically what had happened with her last night. Father Mendez, "do you know Jessica why I choose you to come with me?"
Jessica, "ofcourse, cause I can take good care of you, after all I know so well about your schedule and what you like to eat and the books you read and most importantly I always have been your best assistance in preparing all the great surmons that you have preached."
Father Mendez, "haha well ofcourse dear one, I don't deny these facts but today we travel because I feel God has spoken in my heart to make you a part of this journey. There is something or someone Jessica that awaits you, who has been waiting all these years."
Jessica, "what do you mean by that? Why did you not tell this to me before that we are to meet someone."
Father Mendez, "child it is because i am not sure, for yesterday when I was praying, I saw a vision, a young man who stood at the station to receive us. His appearence was not very clear to me but then I could hear him so clearly calling out your name. I prayed a lot for God to tell me what was this vision given to me but there came no answer."
Jessica, "father I guess it is something about this very same man that you speak off, I have had visions too. All this time I wanted to speak to you about what I had seen and what has been happening ever since you have told me about travelling to Edunsteen."

A Dead Man's Bride - Cursed One
ParanormalBrethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. Romans 10:1 Let someone always pray for your salvation, or else those who curse you will ensure your soul is lost for eternity.