Chapter 12-I Now Hate Chipmunks

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Andy’s POV

So I’ll admit. I like her. Don’t go getting all excited though. I wasn’t going to get all lovey dovey and shit. She’s just hot, and has a temper with an attitude with it. I liked it, so I guess you could say when she looked into my eyes, I definitely wanted to take my chance and kiss her. So I did.

~Neveah’s POV~

I was looking into his eyes, and the next thing I know, our lips are locked, and my arm is around his neck. Yep, not my intention for the night. Kissing the asshole. Hmmm, I don’t know whether or not to like this, but hey, I’m tired, so I’ll go with it. I just sort of let go, and closed my eyes. It was amazing. Like, I just lost everything else, and I felt a good sort of numb. Then a tingling came across me, and a feeling that was similar to.. well... I’m not sure how to explain it... Maybe icy hot? I don’t know. It was just amazing, I guess. As always, all good things come to an end. Of course. I needed air, so I pulled back slowly. We were still looking in each other’s eyes.

“So.. um... I need to go to bed.. and um... ya..” I said awkwardly. A look of realization came over him, and gave me a smirk.

“Well, this might be easier than I thought, if you’re that good of a kisser, Love.” he said, with a light of amusement in his blue eyes.

I gave him a flat look. “Nope. You’re not any closer than before. I’m just overly exhausted and have no clue what I’m doing. For all I know, this could be a dream. Good try though, Hun.” I yawned again.

He kept his arrogant smirk and said “So I’m in your dreams?” with his eyebrow raised. Of course that’s all he would hear. “Oh shut up, you arrogant ass.”

“At least I’ve moved up from Asshole, right?”

“Oh that reminds me, Asshole, I need to get to sleep. I can’t be late again because of you.” I said with an extra emphasis on his nickname. Then, I walked off, leaving him chuckling quietly.

After in my room, I took another shower, changed and got into bed. Finally, I thought.

But the world had other things planned. I couldn’t fall asleep. So two hours later, sitting in my bed with a scowl on my face, I was being stubborn and refusing to think about what needed to be thought about; that stupid kiss.

Now, I was back in my right mind, and decided that was the single most stupid thing I’ve done all week. I just gave him hope! What the fuck had I been thinking?! Oh, right. I hadn’t been thinking, as usual. This is why I need to sleep, so I don’t put myself in these situations. You know what? I need to solve this! I thought.

So you wanna know what I did? I got out of bed. And you won’t believe what came next. I stubbed my damn toe. Again!!!

“You little mother fuc-”I started to shout, then remembered that everyone was probably asleep. Not my brightest idea. Instead, I threw my pillow against the wall. In the process, I knocked over my alarm clock. Fantastic, I thought. Then, I just left it, and crept sort of silently to my door. Molly’s room was dark, so I went downstairs to get some water, and some sleeping medicine. Then I marched quietly up the stairs, prepared to solve the stupid situation and get some sleep. It’s stupid that I was even thinking about the damn kiss in the first place. He shouldn’t have kissed me!

Thankfully, the asshole was awake. His bedroom was light, and I could tell around the doorframe. So I walked into that room and found- oh shit.

See, I updated!!! Comment, vote, etc if you guys want me update sooner! <3

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