Chapter 15-Dinner... And James?

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Finishing up my make-up in the mirror, I decided I looked good. And by good I mean out of the usual, I guess. I was wearing a summer dress. It was all white, or sort of an off white color with a simple thin belt around the middle. Then I had my usual makeup on without the eyeliner. I looked pretty, I think. So I headed downstairs to make dinner. Again. Thanks to my stupid deal with the Asshole.

Tonight was a homemade mac and cheese night I decided. It was fantastic too! I made garlic bread to go along with the 5 cheese pasta. And some Caesar salad for the side. Delicious!

Once we were all seated by the table I told them the good news. At first, forks were clinking around awkwardly and no one talked because they know I had went to the doctor’s office today.

“Ehrm... so guess what guys?” I started off.

“Um.. What?” They asked all in different ways. How should I put this? I thought. I guess I should just come right out with it.

“Good news; I’m not completely crazy. The hallucinating the other night was a really bad side affect from my sleeping medicine that was prescribed by the doctor. But it’s okay now, because he gave me a new kind thats hallucination free, and makes me good to go!” I said quickly. I might as well get the awkwardness over with, I thought.

Everything was silent..

“Well that’s great!” Molly squealed.

“Ya, now you won’t go attacking Andy again. Well, not today anyway.” Noah laughed. Ya... not funny. Keep trying, Noah, I thought.

Suddenly, I felt my phone begin to vibrate. “Sitting in this room playing Russian Roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet. Out from the window..” it rang out. (That song is called Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche, if anyone was wondering. It’s by Escape the Fate. Look it up if you get bored or something c:) I checked the caller ID. It said James’ Work.

“Um.. that’s weird. I gotta take this guys, sorry.” I hated leaving the dinner table to talk on the phone. It’s just how I was raised.

“Hello?” I asked.

“What happened? I heard you had to go to the doctor’s office, right?” he began.

“James, I’m fine. My sleeping medication was screwing with me, so we had to change it.” Now, you’re probably all wondering who James is, and why I left the dinner table to talk to him, correct? Well, James is my biological father. I don’t call him dad because I just met him like 3 years ago. I was pissed at my mom, because she wouldn’t tell me who my father was, and her boyfriend is a major dickhead. So, Molly and I found James, who turned out to be my dad, but that’s a whole different story. So, back to reality. “It’s all fine now, really.” I tried calming him. One thing about James; he has been trying to make up the father role, so he’s very protective and “carring”. He’s a pretty cool guy I guess, and he’s always there whenever I need him or want to chat but I’m not 6 years old.

“Are you sure? Do you need to take off work? I can give you some money for a break if you need it. Have you talked about your Mom about this? Are you okay? Did I already ask that?” Maybe he’s a little tipsy sitting at the bar right now, I thought.

“Yes, I’m sure. No, I don’t need to take off work, no thank you about the money and no. I have not talked to my mom about this. I’m okay and yes, I think you already asked that.” I said in one breath. “Thank you though.”

“Wait, you haven’t told your mom? I understand you’re not exactly on good terms, but don’t you think she should know about this yet?”

“Not really. I mean it’s not a big deal so she doesn’t need to know. They just gave me a different sleeping medicine for my sleep problems, James. It’s not like they’ve got me running tests for cancer. It’s nothing serious.” I chuckled and shook my head. He’s always so worrisome.

“Or are you just avoiding talking to her?” he prodded.

“No, I’m not. I could call her right now, just to chat if I wanted to. But, I have to go finish dinner, James, so I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Oh, ya! Go eat dinner, kid, before I talk your ear off, or you starve! Don’t let me keep you! And tell Molly hello for me?” he said.

“I will. Thanks for checking on me though James.”

Then, right before I hung up he spoke again. “Oh, and Neveah?”


“Your mom asked me to tell you that it’s your nieces birthday party tomorrow, and she would like you to come.” he continued.

“Okay. I’ll be there. What time?”

“Around 1pm, kid.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, bye. Stay out of trouble and don’t have-” Click. Yep, he must’ve been drinking again, I thought. That crazy man, I thought while laughing to myself. He’s pretty funny when he drinks though.

I went back to the kitchen and cleared my plate. “What was that about?” Molly and Noah simultaneously asked.

“Creepy.” I mumbled. “Just James checking on me. He heard about the doctor trip. And he said that my niece’s birthday party is tomorrow. So, Molly you’re coming with me. My mom will be there.”

“What time?” Molly asked.

“1pm. We’ll leave at 12:30 so we can help with last minute preparations.” I replied.

“Gah. My precious sleeping time. Why must you ruin sleepy Saturdays woman?!” she said.

“You’ll get over it, Molly. Well, I’m off to bed.” I said to them all. Then I climbed the stairs and got ready for sleep. Hopefully I’ll actually get some sleep tonight.

~~~ Sorry it's been so long guys... I'll update faster now, hopefully. Comment, vote? All that funtastic stuff:)

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