Chapter 22-Revenge!

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“This isn’t funny! He probably wants to kill me!” I said frantically.

“No, no. He’ll probably be congratulating you! That’s exactly how he and I met, actually. I knocked his brother unconcious a couple years ago.”

“I take it he and his brother don’t get along.” I said with a flat face.

“What makes you think that, Love? But in reality, no not at all.”

During the walk up to meet Cole, I learned that Andy and Carter had met badly for the first time when the brothers came to visit the place that Andy lived, in England. Apparently their families were pretty good friends, but the boys had never actually met. Cole hit it off quite well with Andy, but Carter was being a little asshole and his way of joking was way different than what Andy was used to. Carter kept making comments about Andy’s little sister, who is only like a year or two younger than us. So, Andy punched him, which left Carter...well, passed out on the grass. Pretty damn funny if you ask me.

Andy suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway. “Um.. what are you doing?”

“Shhhh.” he said. He felt looked around, but  no one was here. What’s he doing, I thought. Waiting for a leprachaun? He stepped towards the wall, and moved one of many picture frames. There was a little knob under it-which he pulled. Then there was a click. Like a lock had just been broken. He stepped to the right a few times to a table, and pulled it a little. The whole damn wall opened! Not like the part in Aladin where Jeffar steps out, but it pulled out like a door, as if the table was a handle or knob. I can’t be this tipsy already. Maybe I’m hallucinating? I thought. Nope, because he stepped right through that gap in the wall. Right up a flight of stairs, with me in tow. Am I about to be raped, or sent to Pixie Hollow? Hmmm. I followed anyway for a moment, then I heard some laughter. Andy walked into a room and said ‘hey’ to everyone, while I stood at the top of the staircase like the awkward person I am. Then a couple of the people in there looked towards me, causing Andy to look back at me also. He waved me over and gave me a look that said um-are-you-okay? I walked up next to him, and we strode to a guy that looked like Carter, but more mature and hygenic version of him.

“Sup?” he nodded towards Andy. “And you must be Niveah?”

“Neveah,” I corrected. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Oh, you don’t have to be all polite and proper. We’re at a party.”

“In that case, call me VeVe if you’d like.” He seemed like a pretty laid back guy, even though he looked like the stereotypical douche bag.

“Well VeVe, this is the party room. There’s drinks over there, and help yourself to as much as you’d like. Is it okay if I steal Andy from you for a minute though?”

I looked up at Andy who looked a little annoyed. “Sure.” I replied.

So, I walked right over the the mini drink bar and asked for something fruity. Then I turned around and examined the room. It was pretty plain, with just a few couches, the drink bar with some stools, and a few scattered pictures. Oh, and a huge rug. But it was a huge room too. I heard the clink of a glass so I turned around to pick up my drink. I started sipping it, when someone entered the room. Damn shame, I thought. I was beginning to feel comfortable. Can you guess who it was? Yep. Carter. I think he might be a bigger pain in the behind than Andy sometimes. He looked around the room, and did a double take when he saw me. He sneered and went to talk to some of the girls. Awww, fuck you too! I said mentally.

About five minutes later, Carter got up and left after telling the girls he’d be right back, then winking. Arrogant son of a bitch. Then, about two minutes later, with me still sipping my fruity drink, one of the girls Carter was talking to appeared in front of me.

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