Chapter 17-The Party.

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Molly and I had rushed to my older sister’s house, and had arrived at 1:27pm. The two story house that I had remembered as so vibrant had been eroded over time. It was no longer new and brilliant. It’s still a very nice house, but it’s lost it’s touch. They had repainted it a light yellow color. My niece, Alexandria, came running out the front door with a huge smile on her face.

“Auntie Ve! Auntie Ve!” she called. She wrapped her arms around me tightly making me stumble backwards slightly. My sister, Bella, came out of the house with her husband Troy. He and I don’t get along all that well. You see, he is what I like to call a manwhore. He fools around with other girls a lot. He actually tried it with me before he realized that I was his brides sister. It was 2 days before the wedding, and my sister and I look nothing alike. Whereas I have brown hair with streaks, Bella was the classic blonde. We both had blue eyes, and normal builds, but she looked more like my mom and her dad. Yes, I said her dad. She has a different one than I do. I look more like James. I had my mom’s nose though.

Back to reality. Bella had her arms crossed, and her cleavage was showing majorly. She always was a bit of an attention whore when the family was around. “Are you even listening to me Neveah?”

“Um.. yeah. Why do you ask?” I reply. She rolls her eyes at me.

“You see what I deal with?” she said to my Mom. “Neveah, I said that it’d be nice if you showed up on time once in awhile. It’s very rude when you’re late, so you should have at least gave us some notice.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you mean the notice you all gave me? ‘By the way, your mom wants me to tell you there’s a birthday party in less than 24 hours you’re expected to attend.’” I mimicked James’ voice.

“Foods done!” my aunt yelled from the kitchen. I lifted Alexandria onto my back to give her a piggyback ride and began walking.

“Where to, Kiddo?” I asked Alexandria.

“The kitchen! I’m hungry. Will you sit by me VeVe?” she asked. I told her I would and then I got her a plate with her favorite cooked foods on it.

The light streamed into the kitchen as Troy and I’s family ate. His family wasn’t to bad. His sister was actually pretty cool. She was around me and Molly’s age, and wasn’t as stuck up as the rest of my family. They all chatted amongst themselves, so me and Molly started a conversation. Or more like she did.

“So, I heard some rolling around this morning on the couch. Care to explain what that was about?” I missed my mouth, and instead stabbed my lip with the fork. Then proceeded to have a choking fit. This caught some unwanted attention.

“Neveah, will you please excuse yourself?” my mother reprimanded. She thought I was sick and having a coughing fit.

“Happily,” I choked.

“No!” Alexandria said. “You aren’t done eating yet.” Dang it, I thought.

“Lay off, June.” My aunt defended for me. She was always my favorite of my moms three sisters. My mom glared at her and sat poutily. Soon, to clear the awkwardness people went back to their previous conversations. I whispered and thank you to my aunt, and turned to face Molly.

“What the heck?!” I whispered angrily. I was avoiding all swear words, cuss words or anything else because my niece was there.

“Just wanted an interesting conversation starter,” she started, “and I wanted to know what was going on. Is your ship working yet?”

“You have a ship, Auntie Molly?” Alexandria asked with wide eyes. "Can I sail with you next time?"

"A ship you say?" "What family do you belong to?" "How old are you?" "Are you married, and if not have you met my son?" That last one had me cracking up and laughing like a hyena. Troy's family was usually okay. But they were what you'd do I put this nicelely?... Gold diggers is the term, I believe.

"Wait, are you two lesbian?" Molly gasped and I was at a loss for words.

"No!" my mother jumped in. She's defending her family's reputation. "My kids know better than that. Don't you two?' she looked at me and my sister.

"Yes mom." I said blandly.

Molly looked squeamish and uncomfortable so that was my cue to action. Her youngest sister was a lesbian actually. “Alex, wanna do me a favor?” I whispered. She nodded rapidly. “I need you to shout ‘crazy flying chickens, then run to the presents, okay?” She looked at me skeptically but then obliged. Ah, the perks to being a favorite aunt.

“CRAZY FLYING CHICKENS AND COW POOP! PINEAPPLE CURTAINS!!!” she shouted then ran like a little maniac into the wall on her way to the living room, otherwise known as the present room. Well, that was interesting. She really is just like me, with the whole pinapple curtain thing.

“What in Heaven’s name- Alexandria!?” my sister and mom shouted, then they all rushed after her.

~Anyone wanna make that cover now? No? Yes? Comment, vote, fan etc . Thanks:)

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