"That was bloody sexy."

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To be carefree and happy. To be carefree and happy. To be carefree and happy.

These were the only words going through my mind since the party. The problem was that I didn't know how to be carefree and happy. I lead a very mundane life, a life that used to revolve only around my douchebag ex-boyfriend.

Another problem I had was that I was feeling extremely.....frisky.

Ever since I gave Harry a blowjób, ever since I saw my first dįck, I have been feeling so sexually frustrated. It wasn't as if I knew guys I could just call up to hook up with.

How would that even go?

"Hey, I know we've barely ever spoken to each other, and I know that I'm a virgin and I probably suck at sex, but how about you come over so that I could lose my virginity to you?" Yeah, that was not going to work out.

"You could just call Harry." My snarky subconscious added.

And that's what I did.

He picked up after the third ring. "Yeah?" He breathed.

His voice sounded huskier than usual, but I ignored it.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

"Fûck yes baby." He grunted.

What the hęll was that? And was it bad that I fell silent for a few seconds to just hear Harry grunt?

"Uh...Harry?" I said hesitantly after hearing only heavy breathing on the other side.

"Yeah Katherine, what's up?" He replied, with his voice sounding extra raspy.

"Are you having sęx?" I blurted out.

Harry let out a short laugh before replying, "don't be silly. I would never use my phone during sęx."

Was it bad that I was disappointed? It was actually hot to hear him curse and grunt.

"Lucy is currently just sucking me off. If you had called me 5 minutes later, I wouldn't have answered. So what's." Grunt. "Up?" Grunt.

"Um... I.... Uh..... Yeah." I stammered.

Great, now I sound like a idiot.

"Look, I'll call you back." He said before hanging up.

There wasn't many things that could render me speechless but this definitely made it to the top of the list.

The only thing I could think of while waiting for him to call me back, was how sexy he sounded. His raspy voice, his grunts. It was driving me nuts.

I felt my phone vibrate, and I immediately picked up.

"Hey Harry." I choked with a squeaky voice.

I internally face palmed at how I sounded.

"What's up? You called? I was slightly preoccupied." He said before giving me a deep chuckle.

"Yeah, could you come over?"

Harry said he'd be here in a few and hung up after that. There was a knock on my door several minutes later and I looked through the side curtains to see Harry's Land Rover park infront my house. I instantly felt nervous.

I knew what I wanted from him, I just didn't know how to ask him.

I had been contemplating over this since the party and I figured it was about time.

A very messy looking Harry walked in when I opened the door.

"Well you came quite fast?"

"Excuse me?" Harry asked me, seemingly quite offended.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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