Chapter 8

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"Harry, let me go." I said as I tried to pull away from Harry's hold.

"No." I wasn't expecting harry to just deny my request like that. I looked up to meet his eyes but his eyes were looking at my lips.

"Let me go harry. Now." I squirmed to get released from his touch, but his grip on me was too tight. We already made this mistake once, I didn't need to to happen again.

"Damn kitten. You weren't so eager to get away from me when you kissed me yesterday." He said with a cheeky smirk plastered on his face. Somehow, hearing harry's usual sacarsm made me feel better.

"That was a mistake harry. And hey it's not like as if you didn't enjoy it." I said with a fake smile. I wanted harry to know I was pissed. I wanted to know why he was so cold to me yesterday. I saw a unreadable expression cross Harry's face and I used that moment to wriggle my hand out of his grip and move a few steps back.

"Anyway harry, I was about to leave and you can go back to ignoring me." I said with bitterness clear in my voice. I was surprised at how grumpy I sounded. I pushed my thoughts to a side and started to make my way home.

"That's what this is about? Kate, Summer and I broke up. She broke up with me, and I wasn't ignoring you, I just had a lot on my mind" Harry said with a shrug.

"What?! Oh my god." I rushed towards harry and gave him a big hug. Again harry was hesitant, but his hands soon wrapped around me.

"Oh my god harry I am so sorry I was so focused on my break up that I didn't even pay attention to you I'm so sorr-"

"Kitten, it's okay. Isn't a big deal anyway. She was just kind of a fling." I realized that I was still wrapped around Harry's arms and I was feeling so bad for not realizing he was going trough a breakup too, even though he claims it was just a "fling".

"But I was so focused only on myself I'm so sorry argh I suc-" I was suddenly cut off by Harry's lips on mine, and I couldn't help but to feel shocked. I pushed harry away from me and looked at him with disbelief. This wasn't right. We couldn't just be each other's rebound. No good would come out of it.

"Harry we shouldn't." I said as I pulled away from our hug.

"Meh I thought we could just have fun." He said while raising his eyebrows suggestively, which instantly gained a loud laugh from me.

"You're such a idiot. But hey if you want to talk about your breakup.... I'm here." I said as I placed my hand over his. I was half expectant for him to pull his hands away, but I was glad when he didn't.

"Can I just kiss you instead?" He ask with a smirk. Why did I even think this boy could feel any emotions? So cheeky all the damn time! I was about to give him a push when I heard a girls laughter. I look over Harry's shoulder to see a very blurred out Alex and Summer walking towards where harry and I were seated.


Alex was bringing Summer here? To our secret place? A day after we break up? The nerve of this boy! Ugh!

What came over me in the next few seconds, I didn't know, but I leaped forward and curled my arms around Harry's neck and started kissing him. Unlike the first time, there was no hesitation from harry, and I could actually imagine the smug smile he would be smiling right now. Harry's right hand caressed my back while his left hand rested on my thighs. His tongue licked my lips, asking for entrance and I gladly replied. This kiss was so lustful, it was making me feel so many things that Alex's kiss usually didn't make me feel, maybe because Alex was always so soft and gentle with me. The kiss was started to get really heated when I felt someone pull me back.

"What the hell?" I asked, still quite dazed from the kiss.

"What the f.ucking h.ell are you doing Kate?!" Alex growled.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" The pained look on Alex's face was breaking my heart, but then I remembered he didn't even bother about me.He acted like he didn't know me just now, and I could do the same. He went to her. He brought her here. To our place. Two could play this game. I walked over to harry and entangled my arms with his, mainly because I knew it would piss Alex off even more. The next thing I knew, Alex was standing dangerously close to me.

"What do you think you're doing?" His tone was starting to frighten me and I unintentionally tightened my grip on harry, and suddenly I saw Harry's large frame move infront of mine.

"Dude back off." Harry's tone was calm and yet threatening at the same time.

"Babe, let's just do what we came here for. Who cares about the nerd?" Summer's overly sweet voice said.

"Yeah Alex, leave the nerd and go to the whore." Harry said. I could sense bitterness in his tone, and i wondered why he was getting angry if she was just a fling.

I should probably ask him about that later.

"Babe, go over there and wait for me yeah?" Alex told Summer with a peck on her lips. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes and the sickening sight before me. The minute Summer was out of hearing distance, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to me.

"What are you trying to do Katherine?" Alex growled at me. I could see no emotions in Alex's eyes. I've never even seen him being violent before. Before i could even reply Alex, Harry spoke.

"Hands off the girl mate" he said. Before he could say anything else, I stood in between the two boys.

"Harry, it's okay." i said while wrapping my hands around his.

"Move. your. hands. away. from. him." I was starting to realise that Alex was near his breaking point and I should probably stop trying to make him jealous. I pulled my hands away from harry's, when suddenly harry snaked his arm around my shoulder, tilted my body towards him and kissed me.

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?!" I looked at Alex and saw his hand clenching so hard, his knuckles started to turn white. I knew Alex was getting ready for a fight, I could see that he was losing control.

"Alex, baby, what are you still doing here? Let's gooooo." I've never been more happy to hear Summer's voice. God knows how this would have ended if she hadn't come. I knew that Alex cared too much about his own reputation, so he wouldn't risk Summer finding out that Him and I had history.

"We're leaving too. Bye " Harry said, mostly towards Summer.

I was glad that we managed we walk away from Alex and Summer without creating a scene, but then I realised that now, I'd have to explain to Harry why i just kissed him out of no where.



Hi guys :3 Do tell me what you think of the story so far yeah!!



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