Chapter 1

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HELLO! Thanks for clicking on my story! I'm new to writing, so critisim is gladly welcomed!



It isn't Monday's that I necessarily hate. No, it was the fact that I have to get up at 7 in the morning to get ready for school. Monday is a jealous b.itch that hates the relationship I have with my bed.
As I was contemplating on what I should wear for the day, and I heard Hannah, my sister, shouting at me to come down faster.
I wouldn't even need to hear her yap around if I could I could drive myself to school, but god forbid that i be a good driver and pass my driving tests. I've done the tests twice now, and let's just say, the instructor vowed to never let me drive on the roads ever again. I wasn't really that bad, i just might have knocked down an orange cone or maybe two. Or three. But hey, who's counting right?

Apprently my driving instructor was.

"Katherine!" Hannah shouted as she impatiently knocked on my room's door.

"I'm coming! Would it kill you to wait for 5 more minutes?!" I groaned back at my sister.

My sister never the had patience. She could go on and on about punctuality but when it came to her getting ready, she'd take forever. Asshole. The best part about all of this was that i was going to school early. It was only 7.50, and school started at freaking 8.30am. The school was barely a 10 minute drive from my house, but it was a 20 minute walk and I was as lazy as a pig, and so I just hitch a ride with Hannah when she leaves for work, at my Dad's company.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when a very angry looking Hannah stormed through my door.

"Can we leave?! I've been waiting for you like for 10 minutes now."

She mumbled something else under her breath but I'm sure I wouldn't want to have heard what she said. Hannah always had a potty mouth, and I have had enough first-hand experiences with her extensive vulgar vocabulary.


I sighed as I caught a sight of Casper Hills High School. It was a three-story high, and looked like any normal school does; Plain and boring.

Casper Hill was just like every other school, with it's own division of cliques within the school. We have the popular kids, which mainly consisted of the Cheerleaders and the Football players, and we had the Goths, the nerds, the glee kids who always seem to be singing, and lastly, you have me.

I was never the "popular" girl, but neither was i nerdy. People tend to overlook me, like i was a nobody. I had plenty of friends though, but I was no grey-eyed, red haired, extremely pretty cheerleader, unlike Summer. Needless to say, she's part of the "Popular" clique.

Summer was everything that I was'nt. She was pretty, popular and had every guy wrapped around her pretty little finger.

She was every girls envy for mainly for one reason: She was dating Harry Styles. He was nothing really special in my opinion. He had green eyes and was tall and had awkwardly long legs. He was just like any other average guy. What made him so special? I had no idea, but god help any girl that even breathes in Harry's direction, cause if Summer saw, that girl would be dead meat. In my opinion, they were both egotistical and arrogant jerks who deserved each other.

Since Casper hill was three stories high it had an elevator, which was only accessible to the teachers. But hey, I'm early and there's not much people in school and quite frankly I'm just too lazy to take the stairs.

Humming to The A Team by Ed Sheeran, I got into the lift and pressed the close button, and just as it was about to close, a feet popped in the middle and made the doors open again. I looked up to find Harry freaking Styles and I might have visibly gulped.

Harry was no stranger to me. After all, I did have all 5 out of 6 classes with him. He and I never really conversed though. Harry mostly stuck with his own circle of friends, and by own circle of friends, i mean guys who look equally as scary as him. Their look mainly consisted of tattoos, black clothing and more tattoos. The only time Harry even speaks to me is when he's being a total asshat to me.

"Hey loser, you gonna press the button for the second floor or are you just going to stare at me?" he said with clear annoyance etched out on his face.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today huh?" I murmured.

"What?" he snapped back at me.

"You don't need to be so rud-"the doors opened before I could finish my sentence and without even a glance at me, he walked out the lift. What a jerk.

I walked into the class and saw the time. Great. There was still 10 more minutes for the class to start. I needed to get my car license as soon as possible so that I can just drive to school next time. Ugh.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a sudden screech of a chair. I looked to my left and saw Harry. Great.... He was back to mock me.

"What do you want delinquent?"

"Oh I don't know.....oh wait I know. I want you." he said with a smirk playing on his lips.

To say I was shocked and that my mouth was big enough to flies fly into it was an understatement.

"W-what?" My felt the heat burn on my cheeks when an evil smile appeared on harry's face.

"Did you seriously think someone like me, would be into someone like you? I mean C'mon, I have standards." he said with venom dripping from each and every word.

I always knew I wasn't drop dead gorgeous. I'm average. I've always been average. My hair fell slightly past shoulder. I had hazel eyes, not any special color like green or blue. I wasn't fat, neither was I stick skinny. I was just....average. But hearing someone tell me they wouldn't be interested in me straight to my face? Yeah, it hurts like a b.itch.

"Uh huh, yeah. You aren't exactly my type." I said. I wasn't going to let this asshole know how insecure I was. I saw harry open his mouth to say something else and before he could say anything, I slipped my headphone on and tried to ignore him. I guess he got that I was ignoring him, because when I looked up from my Ipod a few moments later, he wasn't near me anymore, he was back at his usual seat, at the back of the class.


I know this is short, but the chapters get longer! Sorrrry!

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