Chapter 5

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"Hey baby. I missed you." I said as I hugged Alex tightly. He smelled great and i took in a big breath and it felt like home to be back in his arms.

"Hey Katey. I missed you too." He said as he hugged me back tighter. I looked up at him and looked into his Hazel eyes. We locked eyes for a second before he pulled me in for kiss. There was a sense of urgency in the kiss and Alex was holding me so tightly, like as if I would vanish if he let me go. My lips moved in rhythm with his and I felt his hands moving up and down my back. Having Alex so near me was so comforting and suddenly all my bad feelings were gone. I broke our kiss to look up at Alex who was slightly breathless from our small make out session.

"I missed this you know. I missed you. So much." He said thorough short breathes.

"Hey, it's only been three days since I saw you. Is everything okay? You seem so worried about something." I said, worry easing into my mind again.

"No I'm fine. I've just got a lot of things on my mind. I'll be fine." he said while pulling me closer to him.

"Well, you can tell me what's bothering you when you're ready. There's no rush. I'll always be here when you need me okay?" I said with as much of sincerity I could pull together.

"Okay. I love you." Having Alex voice out his emotions was something totally new for me. He always liked to keep to himself, despite his loud exterior. 

"I love you too. Now, you wanna head to class? Or, we could stay here and I could do this" I said as I gave him an little peck on his lips and felt him smile.

"I would - love to - continue - this" he said pecking me in between his words.

"Buuuut, I've gotta go see coach before class. So I better get going. See you after school yeah?"

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed that Alex was leaving me alone. But Alex loved soccer and it was something he was so very passionate about. He waved me good bye and disappeared out of my view within a few seconds. Shortly after he left, I heard someone clear their throat.

I turned around to find none other then the devil himself, Harry. I decided last night that I was going to take the High road with Harry and try to be nice with him. And that was exactly what I was going to do.

"Hey harry. What'chu doing here so early?" I asked him with half concentration. The other half of my concentration was focused on the book that I was reading, the fault in our stars.

"Hey nerd. I don't know. Just early I guess."

Again with the nerd. Damn this boy.

"Do I look like a nerd to you?" I asked him.


"No you keep calling me a nerd. Why? You need to stop that." I wasn't really angry or pissed at harry but I was starting to get annoyed.

"I don't really know why. I just like calling you that. What else do you suppose I call you?"

"Katherine? You know, my name? Or Kate? Anything really. Anything other then nerd."

"Meh it's so boring to call someone by their name. How about kitten? That suits you. Kitten. Like a kitty cat." Harry said with a wide smile and I couldn't help but to laugh at him. It was as if Kitty cat was a totally appropriate name for someone. 

"Really harry? Kitten? Kitty cat? That's the best that you can come up with? I'd rather you stick to nerd."

"Hey it's too late now. I like kitten and I'm going to stick to that."

"Oh god what have I done" I said while playfully hitting harry on his arm.

Harry suddenly got a hold on my wrist and brought me close and brought his lips to my ear. 
"I'd like to hear you purr for me kitten." He said. His voice was all deep and husky all of the sudden and the lack of space between him and I wasn't making me as uncomfortable as It should be. 
My cheeks were flaming and I knew I was blushing. Harry pulled back, saw my reaction and let out a loud laugh.

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