Chapter 2

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"Kate! Are you even listening to me?" I looked up from of plate of unappetizing cafeteria food to look at a very pissed off Jeremy staring me down.

"What? Sorry I got kinda lost in my thoughts." I mumbled back without really paying attention to what my closest friends were talking about.

"Is everything okay Katherine?" Lydia asked. She was always the one who could tell if I was sad or happy without me having to verbally tell her anything and I was grateful to have a best friend like her.

" I'm just abit preoccupied that's all." Frankly, I was still kind of upset that Harry would say such a thing to me.. I never considered myself to be so......unattractive. It's not that I cared about harry's opinion about me, I didn't, but I felt so insecure about myself, that what he said keeps nagging me in my mind.

Lunch was ending and we started to make our way to our next class, English. I loved English, it was one of my favourite and best subjects. Back when i was younger, my dad used to read stories to me and i remember how authors could write a book, and make the reader feel so many different emotions, just by mere words.

I sat at my usual seat and waited for Mrs Jacqueline, aka the worst teacher ever, to start class. Mrs Jacqueline wasn't bad, she was terrible. She was so sarcastic and basically rude to anyone she didn't like. Unfortunately, I was number 1 in the list of students she hated. She was currently going off about how youngsters nowadays are so irresponsible when Harry opened the class door and came in cooly despite being 10 minutes late.

"Hello Mr Styles. How lucky are we to have you grace us with your presence?" Mrs Jacqueline asked Harry while erasing something off the whiteboard.

I giggled and within seconds I felt Harry staring at me with annoyance. After giving me a short stare down, Harry started to make his way to the back of the class, where he usually sat, when Mrs Jacqueline spoke again.

"Since you're late, you can sit in front today. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two" she said.
I looked around the front desk and that realized that the only desk available was near me. I internally groaned, cursing at the gods for giving me such bad luck.

Soon after the class started, Mrs Jacqueline started speaking about a poetry project that requires us to pair up with someone else, and write a poem about them. She started reading out the various names of the pairs and a huge smile spread across my face when she said I was paired with Lydia. A poem about my best friend? Easy peasy. But my happiness was short lived, because she suddenly said that Lydia was to be paired with a guy named Mark instead.

Great. I wasn't close with anyone else in the class, so whoever I was paired with was probably gonna suck. 

"And miss accola, you'll be with Mr styles." With the smug smile on Mrs Jacqueline's face, I knew she did this on purpose. The whole school knew harry and couldn't get along. She was doing this on purpose. That witch.

"Wait what?" I shouted, earning myself a glare from Mrs Jacqueline. I did not want to be paired up with Harry! It would be such a nightmare.

"Everyone else is already paired up Katherine. My word is final." She said and continued to ask us familiarize ourselves with the other half of our pair. Surprisingly, harry pulled his seat up next to mine and just sat nearby me.

Neither he nor I spoke for the rest of the class, but him and I weren't the only ones that were being silent, there were clearly many other pairs who were not comfortable with their pairing either.
"Okay nerd, can you just write a poem about yourself and slap my name on it? And I'd do that same for you." Harry suddenly spoke out of the blue.

"Uh, no? I'm not going to fail this project because of your stupid writing skills." I snapped at Harry. I knew I shouldn't be judging Harry. Just because he looked like a delinquent doesn't mean he doesn't excel in education, but still..

"Look, I don't want to be paired with you, as much as you don't want to be paired with me. I'd rather be with snotty Clara then you. So you better suck it up." He snapped at me.
Snotty Clara was this girl we had in the glass that was always sick and she always had snot coming out of her nose. God, I'd much rather be paired with her than this imbecile.

"Anyway, we need to create a something to show that we actually learnt something in this stupid class." He continued when I didn't reply him because I was too annoyed with just his presence.

"Err okay then. I'll just do both our work and I'll put your name on yours before I submit. Okay now bye." I couldn't wait to get away from him and just relax. I had enough of his nonsense.

"Whoa hold up. I don't trust you. What if you end up not putting my name on the work? I don't want to get a F! I'll meet you tomorrow and we can discuss?" He suggested.

"Uh yeah okay that's sounds fine. What's your number?" I asked trying not be rude. If he's going to play nice, then I will too. After all, we were all civilized.

"You want my number?" He asked, smirking.

"To discuss about the project dumbass, yes."
I couldn't help but to roll my eyes as I handed him my phone. He dialed in his number and gave himself a missed call. I was sure to point him my middle finger while walking away after he returned me my phone, just for the heck of it. Oh well.


-at the juice shack-

It was a Tradition that the gang and I come to the juice shack every Friday. We had our own corner that no one else except us usually sat at, and it was a cozy little place that always had good food and music.

Jeremy, Avery, Lydia, Brandon and me have been friends since first year of school and we've all been best of friends ever since. You often don't meet people who just accept you for who you are, and that's one reason why I loved this bunch so much. They never judged you, not for your past, not for your little quirks, not for anything.


It was around 7pm when I reached home and I was glad that there was no one except Safina at home.

Safina has been working for us since I was a little baby, and she was more of a second mother to me then a cook. There were times when she was more of a mother to me than my actual mother was, and I was thankful to have someone like her.

"Heyyyy Safina! What's for dinner today? I'm starving." I asked her as I gobbled up some M&Ms.

"I whipped up some ham and mushroom pasta and baked your favorite chocolate cookies. Go take a shower and come back down and I'll set it up on the table." She said with her thick spanish accent.

"You're the best! Be back in 10!" I replied as I rushed up to take a quick shower and changed into sweats. I was about to go down to the kitchen when my phone vibrated. I opened up my phone to see 7 missed calls from an unknown number. What the hell?


Hi guys! Comment and vote maybe? It'll help me write faster :3

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