Chapter 16

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I'll update when I get 30 votes on this chapter!


"Okay so who starts first?" I asked Harry as he made his way to sit back down on the sofa.

"I'll go first. Have you ever given anyone a blowj-"

"Harry!." I cut him off with a glare. The nerve of this guy. I don't understand why he always seems to ask personal questions that he has no business knowing the answer to.

"No passes." Harry was full on smirking right now and I wanted to punch the stupid face of his. Why couldn't I have been paired with Lydia? This would have been so much more easier.

"Uh. No. I've never given any one know." I stammered as I answered his question. The only real boyfriend I had was alex, and the closest we got to anything sexual was just.....touching each other.

Good god this is so awkward.

"What's one of your favorite memories?" I asked him before he could say anything else. I needed to distract his dirty mind away from his sex-related questions. Harry seemed to contemplate on my question, and fell silent for awhile.

"Huh. Nothing really comes to mind." He said, shrugging.

"Oh wait. There was this once that Summer and I went on a drive out of town to visit her granparents and we ended up getting lost. Our phones had no reception and we were walking around in the middle of nowhere trying to find cell reception and ended up stumbling upon this place that overlooked the city, and the view there was astounding, really." I could see Harry's eyes sparkle as he continued to speak about his mini adventure with Summer. I've never seen him so lively, and it was quite a sight, with his dimples making occasional appearances while his green eyes seemed lighter, happier.

But suddenly, the sparkle in his eyes faded. I could feel him trying to suppress the emotions that were bubbling deep within him, emotions which he most probably surpressed since his split from Summer.

Harry abruptly stood up, and started to gather his things. "It's getting late. I should go." He said, his voice void of any emotion.

He made his way to the door without waiting for me to send him off, but I rushed behind him anyway.

"Don't worry harry. You'll get her back. That's what this whole plan is for. Hang in there." I said while I gave him a awkward hug. Hugs made everyone feel better, and I never knew the right things to say, so I figured I'd just hug him.

"Yeah hopefully. See you at my party." He said while awkwardly tapping my back. His hugs are worse than voldemorts. My god.


The party was in an hour. I had no idea what to wear. My usual self would never step into a party. But my post-alex self was ready to be a party vixen. But the thing was..... I had nothing to wear. I was looking through my closet and everything I had looked so lame, and so I did the only thing I could do ; I called Lydia. When Lydia showed up to my house, she looking stunning, to say the least. She had on a mid-thigh length red skin tight dress, and with her long hair straightened out and had her makeup on point, I couldn't help but to feel so...ugly.

I wasn't necessarily insecure about that way I looked, I just never really cared about appearances. But standing next to my gorgeous best friend made me realize how plain I was. Lydia came prepared with a dress for me, and I just a look at the dress left me speechless. The dress was so beautiful, but it was so slutty. "Think of how alex would react" was the words Lydia kept repeating while she dressed me up for the night.

Once she finished my makeup, I stood infront of my full length mirror and analyzed myself. I did no justice to the dress. My makeup was kept simple, with just lip gloss and eye liner. I left my hair to fall naturally like it always does, and I was ready to go. Lyd's was driving us there, and I told her the directions to Harry's house. It wasn't until I reached Harry's house that I realized that he didn't live in a house.... He lived in a freaking mansion. The front yard was littered with drunk teens and I could feel the excitement radiating off everyone. Lydia and I were half way through the crowd when someone suddenly wrapped their hand around my shoulder. I didn't need to look at the person to know who it was, despite his usual cologne being masked by the scent of alcohol, I knew who it was.
"Katy. You made it!" Harry slurred.

I zoned out what everyone was talking and let my eyes wander the whole room, looking for Alex. He seemed to be no where in sight, maybe he didn't come?

I felt a sudden tug in my arm and saw Lydia pulling towards the direction Harry was headed to.

"Wh-where are we going?" I asked, while coming out of my mini daze. I heard Lydia saying something about Harry inviting us to play a game, but zoned on out again while my mind focused on finding Alex. We walked into a room which i guessed to be Harry's man cave. There was a pinball machine and posters of half-naked models and the room just felt very....manly, but it felt very un-harry like. In the middle of the room, there were a group of people sitting around in a circle with a bottle in the middle, and that's when i realised that we were playing Spin the bottle.

"Katy and Lydia! C'mon and join us" Harry said while his hand motioned us to join him. I didn't want to play Spin the bottle, i've only kissed Alex my whole life, and kissing random strangers just seemed very...slutty. I was about to decline Harry's offer when i heard some girl from the circle shouting Summer's name.

I turned around to see Alex and Summer walking into the room, hand in hand. Bitch. As the devil couple walked by me, i saw Alex's hand going around Summer waist as she leaned in to whisper something into his ear, which in return caused him to smirk. A wave of courage filled me and I stomped past Alex, slightly bumping into him on purpose, and took a seat in the circle, with Lydia following right behind me. Once I sat down, i managed to pay more focus on what Summer was wearing, and i hated to admit, althought her attire was boderline whore-ish,she looked good. Guess that's why everyone prefers her over me, I thought.

Soon enough, the devil couple had also taken their seats and the game started. Despite the awkwardness that came along with random strangers kissing each other, the game seemed pretty fun. Most of them were so drunk, i doubted that they would remember who they kissed during the game. The game started in a anti-clockwise direction, and soon it was Alex's turn, and as luck would have it, his spin landed on Lydia.

I didn't know how to react to this situation, my ex-boyfriend was going to kiss my bestfriend. I looked at Alex, with hopes of him not going through with the game, but to my dismay, he started to make his way to Lydia while looking at me. What surprised me more, was how quite Lydia was, she didn't protest against Alex kissing her, neither did she try to get away from the game. Alex started kissing Lydia, and within seconds, Lydia's hand was all over Alex. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, and the fact that Alex and Lydia were so comfortable with each other made me cringe. The game moved on, and soon it was my turn to spin. I prayed and hoped to god that my bottle would land on harry, not only because he was the only person i knew in the circle of people, but also because he was actually a pretty good kisser. The bottle i spun started spinning, and as the speed of the bottle decreased, everything seemed to go in slow-motion, and as the bottle came to a stop, i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding when the bottle landed on Harry. I knew everyone's eye was on me now, so i decided to put on a show. I stood up, and walked over to Harry, and pushed him down to the floor and didn't waste any time in kissing him. Harry's legs opened up so that i could lay ontop of him, and so i did. I could sense how turned on Harry was from my sudden need of dominanace. All thoughts of Alex vanished from my head the moment my lips touched Harrys. I let a little moan as Harry's hand started to roam my body, and for a moment i forgot that we were doing all of this infront of a audience until the sound of someone clearing their throat pulled out of our heated make-out session. Unsurprisingly, the person was Summer, and her face was scrunched up in pure irritation. I looked at Alex hoping to find him annoyed, but his face was void of any emotion as he stared at me.

I looked around the circle to see that everyone was very eagerly looking at Harry and I, and i could see how most of the guys were trying hard to hide the boners they had. Keeping up with my sudden surge of confidence, I stood up and streched my hand towards Harry, hoping he would get the message that i wanted him to take my hand and follow me, which he thankfully did. He stood up, and followed behind me as i made my way to the staircase, and right before going up, i looked over my shoulder and said, "Carry on guys, Harry's going be busy for a little while." and winked at them before leading harry up to his bedroom.



So sorry for such a late and sucky update. I've been stuck with school work for so long, and i had no time to write, and to top that, i had writer's block :( BUT HEY I'M BACK NOW. School's pretty much over for me, meaning i'll have more time to write better chapters and also more frequent updates! Do leave your comments about what you liked/disliked about this chapter or what you want to see in the next chapter, and i'll try to please you guys! Love y'all!

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