Chapter 7

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With every fibre of my being, I knew that what was going to happen was absolutely wrong, but yet I couldn't move an inch away.

We sat just like that. Staring at each other's eyes. Harry's lips looked so plum and pink, and I couldn't help myself. Within a millisecond, my lips connected with his. Harry was hesitant for a second, but it wasn't long until Harry's hand curved around my cheek and kissed me back hungrily. In the back of my head, I knew what I was doing was wrong. I just broke up with Alex. I wasn't even 100% sure that we were broken up. Although all the signs were saying that this was a mistake, it still felt so good. I pulled away because I was starting to get breathless and I was sure harry was getting breathless too.
We remained without talking for the whole car ride back to my house and there was a lingering awkwardness in the car. Neither harry nor I spoke about anything and it was weird to be so quiet. I would have said something if I knew what to say. Is he ignoring me? Do I talk about the kiss? Do I ignore it? I decided against saying anything. If harry wanted to talk, he would. Moments later, he reached my house. I unbuckled my seat belt and looked over at harry only to find him deep in thought. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his fingers were fiddling with his lips. Another weird habit maybe, I wondered to myself. I decided to at least thank him for ride so that it wouldn't seem rude.

"Uhm thanks for the ride harry. And also thanks for hearing everything that I was blabbering just now." I said while I smiled awkwardly at him. I decided I probably shouldn't talk about the kiss, since it didn't mean anything anyway.

"Uh yeah okay. I gotta go now. Bye." Harry's tone was distant. It was like as if he wanted to get away from here, from me. I knew Harry and I Weren't friends, but I thought we were actually starting to get along. I guess jerks will always be jerks.

I walked up the pathway that lead to my house and noticed that the roses that Safina and I planted a few weeks ago finally started growing. Back when I was younger, my mum and I used to buy pots of colorful flowers to plant along the pavement infront of my house, but ever since she got busy, Safina and I took over the tradition. The thought of the flowers blooming instantly put me in a better mood. I walked into my house soaking wet to meet a very confused-looking Safina.

"You ok honey?" she asked in her thick spanish accent. I could see how worried she was and I just ran to her and hugged her. My mother was never really around, and even when she was, she was never really 100% here. Safina raised and gave me all the love I could ever ask for and I was thankful for that.

"How about you go up and change and i'll get some cake ready for you?" she asked in hopes of making me feel better. I just nodded up and went up to change.

I got up to my room and quickly changed into new clothes. I sat down on my bed and stared at the picture of Alex and me that I had on my night stand. Tears started to prickle my eyes and it wasn't long till I started crying. How could he say all those things to me? Suddenly images of harry flashed through my mind. I just kissed him. Minutes after breaking up with my boyfriend. What the hell is wrong with me?! I fight with my boyfriend for accusing me for not being loyal and I kiss another guy right after, and it wasn't just another guy, it was harry, and he had a girlfriend. Oh my god somebody kill me now.

My phone kept vibrating with calls and texts from Alex that after a while, I had to switch it off. I curled up in my bed with chocolate and ice cream to treat my broken heart and let me tell you, it was not working at all. Soon after, I fell asleep and I woke up when the alarm rang the next morning.

I groaned thinking that I'd have to face Alex and Harry in school today. My outfit for the day was simple. Just a simple floral dress with a black cardigan. I liked wearing dresses, and I felt the most comfortable in them. I got down the staircase and waved goodbye to Safina when she looked at me and asked me if I was okay.
I didn't know what I was feeling. I just felt so.....empty. I guess crying for hours do that to you.

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