Waiting Up // Luke

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A/N - hope you're all enjoyed my new Luke fanfic! let me know what you think!!xx

I know certain parts of my stories obviously say the word Daddy because that's what these stories are, but please do not comment and relate it to a kink! It makes me uncomfortable and i'll more than likely report your comment. It sounds over dramatic but I don't appreciate the comments. Thanks!💜

It hadn't been an easy night. Or an easy two weeks, for that matter. Luke had been on a radio tour around the UK and Europe for two weeks, leaving you and your one year old daughter, Darcy behind.

You were used to him leaving, but Darcy on the other hand, must've thought Luke had gone forever, despite the hundreds of phone calls of reassurance that he'd be back soon.

She'd sit at the door most night crying for him, lying her blanket on the floor next to the coat rack and eventually falling asleep there. It's not that she didn't love you any less than she did Luke; he was just always the one to read her a bedtime story and tuck her in at night.

"Darcy! Daddy is coming home tonight, are you excited?" You'd said to her earlier that day, hopefully sending her good vibes, even though she couldn't really understand you. She knew what the word Daddy meant though; her face would light up when she heard it.

Luke's flight was due to land at 4:00pm, meaning he'd be home for dinner, but when it reached 2:00pm, you'd received a text explaining that his flight had been delayed and wouldn't be home until much later.

When it got to 7pm, Darcy's usual bedtime, she made her way towards the door, shouting "Daddy?" optimistically.

"Soon baby girl, Daddy will be here soon. I promise." You'd tried to reassure her, attempting to pick her up as she struggled away from you.

"Daddy." She cried, nuzzling her face against one of his coats, hung up next to the door.

"Shall I get you one of Daddy's shirts? Would that be better?" You suggested, taking her into your bedroom as you took one of Luke's plaids, wrapping it around her.

She cuddled into the worn, familiar smelling fabric, inhaling Luke's scent. You thought it would help, whereas it possibly made things worst. "Daddyyyy."

"Shh, it's okay. Daddy is coming soon. I know you miss him, I do too." You soothed, pressing a kiss to her forehead as you laid down with her.

"No Mummy!" She whined, releasing herself from your grip as she walked to the stairs, wanting to go down and wait for Luke.

"Okay, we'll go wait down there for him." You smiled tiredly, holding her against your chest as you made your way downstairs.

She wriggled in your arms, wanting to lay next to the door and wait for him. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, displaying a text from Luke.

Just landed babe, is my baby girl still awake??😘😁xx

You sent a quick reply, knowing he'd be anxious to leave the airport.

Just about, not sure she'll last too long but she'll be happy to see you!!xx

You peered around the corner, proving your own point; Darcy was fast asleep wrapped in Luke's plaid shirt, dummy in her mouth and teddy cuddled next to her. You took a quick photo, tweeting it so Luke could see.

Deciding to pass time, you found a TV program to watch whilst you waited for Luke to get home. After the what felt like the longest half an hour of your life, there was finally a knock on the side door to the house.

Trying to be quiet so Darcy didn't wake up, you slowly opened the door and nearly cried of happiness when you saw Luke stood there.

"Luke!" You exclaimed, jumping into his arms as he wrapped them around you, holding you close to him. "You're home!"

"I'm here babe, I missed you so much." He grinned, pressing his lips to yours multiple times. "It feels so good to be home."

"I know someone else who's missed you too." You added, as his face softened and he quietly brought his luggage inside, leaving it in the kitchen.

"Aw, my baby girl..." He chucked, seeing his princess curled up against his shirt near the door. "Has she been waiting for me?"

"For the whole time, she's been sleeping there. Every night until I manage to get her to bed." You explained, his eyes filling with tears.

"I missed her so much." He held back tears, removing his coat so he was only wearing a tshirt. You watched him move closer to her, happy that she finally had him back.

"Come here sweet pea." He whispered, scooping her from the ground and cradling her in his arms. She was disturbed from her sleep, rubbing her eyes and crying in the process. "Shhh, it's Daddy! I'm home, baby girl."

"Daddy?" She mumbled, still sucking on her dummy.

"Yeah, Daddy's here sweetheart. Go back to sleep now and we can have lots of fun tomorrow, okay?" He whispered, rocking her back to sleep, rubbing her back and humming a familiar tune.

She fell asleep cradled in his strong arms, cuddled against his chest, feeling fully content for the first time in a few weeks. He was finally home.

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