In The Dark // Michael

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A/N - This was requested by artslife143 so thankyou, and I hope you enjoy this!! If you request the imagine that i'm writing, the imagine will be dedicated to you but it doesn't always work for me which is annoying:// hm. Xxx

Soooooo today I went ice skating and ended up getting my leg bandaged:-) How was everyone's day?Xxx

It had gotten to the late hours of the evening and Michael was still up, playing on his Xbox whilst four year old Eliza was fast asleep snuggled up next to him. He didn't see the point in moving her until he went to bed; she was comfortable and fast asleep, so what's the problem?

After deciding he was bored of GTA, he started flicking through the channels and finding one of his favourite movies, Final Destination 5. Eliza was asleep so she wasn't watching. It didn't matter anyway; she'd know it wasn't real.

Michael was laughing along to how stupid the deaths were when he heard small cries coming from his daughter beneath him.

"Baby, you're awake?" He asked, as she threw herself into his chest, probably scarred by what she had seen on TV. "Go back to sleep, you can't watch this. Too scary for you."

She mumbled something incoherant as she fell asleep again, unfased by what was displayed on TV. Michael shrugged it off and let her lay on him, holding her close so she'd feel protected. 

An hour and a half later, the movie finished and Michael tucked Eliza into bed before joining you in yours.


It had reached the early hours of the morning and Eliza was getting flashbacks of the movie that she wasn't supposed to see. She swore she heard noises downstairs and creatures outside; two things that she knew her Daddy could get rid of. But he'd be angry at her for watching that movie when she wasn't supposed to. 

She padded down the hall and into your bedroom, where she found you both fast asleep. She knew she wasn't allowed to wake you up because you were pregnant and needed sleep whenever you could get it. 

"Daddy?" She tried, quietly at first before repeating it louder. "Daddy, wake up,"

Michael rubbed his eyes and reached out for her, pulling her into his bed as he tried to wake himself up more.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked her, yawning.

"I think there's a monster outside." She stated, snuggling closer to Michael.

"Baby, monsters aren't real. I'm sure there's nothing there, okay? You go back to sleep, yeah?" He sighed, slightly frustrated that she was waking him up over something silly. 

"No, I heard something downstairs too." She whimpered, not wanting to leave him and not admitting that she saw the movie earlier. She could still see the laser burning through the Woman's eye.

"What's really going on El? It's okay, you can tell Daddy. Did you just have a nightmare?" He soothed, rubbing her back as she nodded before bursting out..

"I didn't mean to see it but I did and now it's in my head and I can't sleep Daddy, i'm scared." She cried, as Michael realized that she must've actually been awake earlier when he was watching Final Destination 5.

"Oh, baby.. I'm sorry, I didn't know you could see that! It was fake, I promise. All silly and made up, nothing can hurt you, okay?" He said, feeling guilty because she really was scared. "You're okay, it's not real. I'm not mad at you."

He laid back into bed and carefully rested Eliza in between the two of you, letting her sleep where she felt the safest but no disturbing you. "I'll keep you safe, I promise."

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