Derpcon Surprises // Calum

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A/N - Randomly thought of this when I was bored in English today:-)) woo woo. It's a month and a day until my birthday:-) yaaay. Xx

You knew how much the fans meant to Calum, and he obviously loved them, so you didn't mind too much when he said he had to stay in LA longer than usual. You were also very proud of him because on the same weekend, they were playing The Forum; an iconic venue of LA.

The only problem was it was your daughter's 5th birthday that weekend, and she wanted him to be home. And of course, Calum wanted to be with his princess on her birthday, so he was guilty and gutted that he wouldn't be there. He'd also missed his one year old twin girls who weren't used to him being away.

You remember him excitedly explaining the ideas and the process of Derpcon and you were excited for them, but hearing the change in Calum's voice when he told you the dates crushed it all.

"It doesn't matter baby, we can celebrate her birthday with you the week after, she won't mind." You'd tried to reassure him.

"It's not the same though, is it? I always said i'd put you four before the band." He'd replied, as you sighed, not knowing how to make him feel better.

"I'm sorry Calum. It's okay, I promise. See you soon, yeah?"

Knowing how he felt, you had to do something, so with the help of his Parents, you planned a trip to LA to surprise Calum and the rest of the boys at Derpcon. 


After a long flight with a 4 year old and two 1 year olds, you were exhausted, as were the children. You made it to the hotel that the boys and their families were staying in. 

"Nana! Papa!" Chloe exclaimed, spotting Calum's parents in the hotel lobby, waiting for you.

"Hi darling!" Joy grinned, catching her as she jumped into her arms. 

You greeted them and so did the twins, then proceeding to find Calum's hotel room where you could crash for a few hours before the meet and greet.


Calum was having fun, of course he loved meeting his fans, the people who got them where they are today. But he couldn't stop thinking about his family 'at home', and how much he missed you. It had been too long since he had seen you.

"There's only a few people left now lads." One of the organisers informed them, the four boys exhausted and hungry. 

"You ready to see Daddy, girls?" You whispered, as they nodded excitedly and you prepared for your time to finally see them, especially Calum, after so long.

The man who was letting people in gestured for you to go over and opened the curtain, Chloe getting over excited and she ran for Calum and exclaimed "Daddy!"

Calum turned around in confusion as he heard her shout, putting his arms out just in time to catch her and bring her close to him. The twins ran towards him and hugged both of Calum's legs, grinning up at the man that they hadn't seen in what felt like forever.

"My babies!" He grinned, picking both of the twins up as you hugged the other boys, as did Chloe. "I missed you all so much, so so much."

"Look how much you two have grown!" Luke added, as Calum passed one of the twins over to him and the other to Ashton. 

"Hey baby, I missed you aswell." He smiled, pulling you into his arms as he held you close. "Oh my god, I love you so much. I'm never leaving you again."

"Wow, lets keep it PG in here guys. We can take the kids later, you can save that." Ashton smirked, as the two of you blushed but completely ignored him anyway, connecting your lips to his.


"I'm so happy you're here, you have no idea." Calum murmured, as the twins snoozed on his chest and Chloe laid curled up next to him. "I felt awful that I wasn't gonna be home for her birthday, now you're here."

"Well you don't have to worry anymore then do you?" You replied, kissing hm again.

"God, i've missed kissing you." He breathed, as you smiled into the kiss, thinking of what he'd do when the kids weren't around. "Thankyou for bringing them out here. And yourself, of course."

"Thank your Parents, they helped out. The boys had no idea though." 

"Yeah I thought so, they're terrible liers and the worst people to tell secrets to, so it's probably better that they didn't know." He laughed before yawning.

"Get some sleep, you have a show in a few hours." You instructed, as he nodded in reply and settled down into the bed. "Good night. We'll still be here when you wake up, I promise."


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