Sister Love • Luke

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"Look at them." Luke's sleepy voice broke the silence between him and his wife, snuggled up to his side on the sofa. There was a TV show on in the background, which Luke had failed to pay attention to after his two daughters had caught his eye.

He gestured towards the two blonde curly haired girls sat on the floor, his four year old reading her favourite story to her year old baby sister, who attempted to keep herself sat up, sleepy eyes focused on her big sister. The pacifier between her lips kept her quiet, occasionally rubbing at her eyes with tiny fists as it approached her bed time but wanting to stay and listen to what her sister had to say.

Luke's wife's eyes followed where he gestured to, a smile taking over her features as she watched their daughters interacted. The couple had always planned to have more than one baby; they had worried how their older daughter would react, having to share her parents' attention, but she had taken to the role of big sister like a duck to water.

"And they all lived happily ever after.." the elder daughter finished the story, closing the book and placing it on the ground next to them. "What shall we play next?"

The younger baby didn't understand her sister's words, but her sleepy eyes lit up, happy with the attention that she was getting. She rubbed her blanket against her face, getting more tired by the second. But she wasn't about to go to sleep before their game had even started.

"Bubs, do you want to help me put your sister to bed? She looks sleepy." Luke asked his daughter, watching as his younger baby's eyes struggled to stay open.

"No Daddy, we're still playing." She replied, grabbing three dolls from the toy box. She gave one to her baby sister, who was not happy with the choice the older girl had made, and made this clear as she tried to grab one of the other dolls from her. "No, that's mine! Give it back."

Luke and his wife chuckled at the pair, hoping that their older daughter would be willing to share and compromise and allow her sister to have the doll she wanted. However, they were not so lucky.

The younger baby burst into tired tears, frustrated as her sister wouldn't let her have the doll that she wanted. Luke separated himself from his wife, standing up from the sofa and heading over to where his daughters were playing.

"I think it's bed time for you sweetheart, huh? Are you just so tired?" He cooed, scooping up the baby into his arms. She settled against his chest and rested her face in the crook of his neck, as her pacifier slipped out of her mouth and he rocked her. "I think you've had enough playing for one day."

"But Daddy, we were still playing! She just took the doll I wanted!" The four year old argued, determined not to give up yet. But Luke chuckled and shook his head, reaching down to smooth his hand through her messy hair.

"I know sunshine, but your sister is so sleepy. I think it's time for bed, and you can play again tomorrow, okay?" He tried to reason with her, rocking the smaller baby against his chest as he placed the pacifier back between her lips, hoping to soothe her. He rested his cheek on her head, rubbing a hand down her back as she settled contentedly.

The four year old sighed dramatically before accepting her dad's words, placing her dolls back into the dollhouse. "Okay Daddy. We can play tomorrow."

"Good girl. Why don't you come and read another story with me and your sister?" Luke suggested, as the four year old agreed, saying good night to her Mum before following Luke up the stairs. "You choose the story baby girl."

Luke lowered himself on to the small princess bed, rearranging the baby on his chest so his older baby could snuggle against his side. He has his two baby girls cuddled against him, close to his heart, where they should be.

The four year old began to read any words that she could, Luke filling in the gaps where he needed to. He kept one hand patting against the back of his baby nearly fast asleep against his chest, hoping to keep her settled and soothe her to sleep.

As Luke continued to read, he felt the weight of his older baby against him as he realised she had fallen asleep. He tried to manoeuvre out of the bed without waking either of the girls, adjusting to hold the sleeping one year old against his shoulder as he pulled the blankets over his older baby.

"Goodnight princess." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her head before flicking off the light and leaving the room.

He entered his own bedroom, dimming the lights and rocking his smaller baby in his arms for a few moments, ensuring that she was sound asleep. He rested his lips against her forehead and cheeks, pressing several kisses there before settling her into the crib, tucking the blankets around her and placing the pacifier between her lips again. "And good night to you too, my angel."

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