Happy Birthday Daddy // Luke

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A/N - CAN WE TALK ABOUT CALUM'S HAIR😵 it's beautiful🌸

It had gotten to the time of year where Luke's birthday was coming up, and it was perfectly in time with another surprise you had for him.

He was gonna be on tour on his birthday, so you built his surprise around that.

"I promise I'll Skype you everyday baby. I'll miss you." He'd murmured with tears in his eyes, holding on as tight as he could in the airport.

"I know you will, I love you Luke." You'd replied.

"Open this on your birthday, and no time before." You ordered, giving him a birthday card that was marked with your lipstick stains.

He had left, and of course you weren't happy, but you was excited to share your news with him in this creative way.


A few days later, you woke up to the sound of your laptop alerting you that Luke was calling you.

"Hey baby!" He exclaimed.

"Happy birthday Lukey! I miss you babe!" You replied, kissing the camera. "You can open your card now."

"Okay..." He looked curious as he opened the envelope and then the card.

"Read it out loud." You told him, tears filling your eyes in excitement.

"To Luke. Happy birthday Daddy.." He said, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "Kinky... Babe, Ashton's into that bu-"

"No! Not like that!" You groaned, rolling your eyes.

"You're pregnant?!" He asked, his voice getting more and more high pitched.

"You're gonna be a Daddy." You grinned, making him smile wider than he ever has before.

"I can't believe it." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the slight tears. "Boys!"

The three other boys came into the bedroom, not knowing how to react because they didn't know what was wrong.

"Y/N's pregnant. You're all gonna be uncles!" He shouted, being crushed into a group hug with his three brothers.

"Congratulations guys!"

And you all spent a few hours taking about the new baby that would soon be with them, and you knew that they would be loved.

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