Hold My Hand // Ashton

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A/N - This was a request from enw910, thankyou! Hope everyone enjoys this:-)xxxx 

Alssoooo, I wanna start doing the question thing again, soooooo, what are your guys' new years resolutions? Mine are always the same old 'lose weight' and 'be more confident' but it never happens, so yeah haha. xx

Your four year old daughter Molly was starting school soon, which meant she had to get her immunisations. This meant a trip to the Doctors, her least favourite place, and having injections that protect her from all the nasty infections she could catch from the new surroundings.

 Neither you or Ashton wanted to take her; you both couldn't stand seeing her in pain, but as Molly was a complete Daddy's girl and Ashton was incredibly protective over her, he decided to take her himself.

The night before the Doctors was full of panic, anxieties, tears and Daddy cuddles. You and Ashton thought it would be better to try and explain the injections to Molly so she wouldn't be as scared, but it ended up freaking her out even more. The thought of a needle going into her arm brought her to floods of tears and Ashton had to hold her all night; she wouldn't settle alone without bursting into tears. 


"Baby, wake up." Ashton murmured, rubbing Molly's back as she awoke from her slumber. "We have to get dressed and get you to the Doctors sweetie."

"No, no, no Daddy, I wanna stay here." Her eyes widened as the tears came back, her nuzzling closer to Ashton as he felt the guilt sting his heart, even though he knew this was for the best. 

"I don't want you to have to go either Mol, i'm sorry. But we don't want you getting sick either, do we?" He asked, as she shook her head sadly and wiped her eyes.

"But i'm scared Daddy." She whimpered, as he wrapped his arms tighter around her and sighed.

"What are you scared of baby? I promise i'll be there, holding your hand the whole time." He reassured her, kissing her forehead.

"Will it hurt?" 

"Only for a second, then it'll all be over, yeah?" He smiled. "Then, if you've been brave, we'll go get some ice cream, deal?"


Molly was sat trembling in Ashton's lap in the Doctor's office, as he answered the required questions and filled in the necessary paperwork.

"Okay Molly, you just look at Daddy, okay? Keep your eyes on him." The Doctor said, rubbing her arm as her breathing increased in panic.

"Keep looking at me baby, you're okay. Don't worry." He replied, holding her face gently so she couldn't see what was going into her arm.

Ashton cringed as the Doctor pulled out the needle; he wasn't a huge fan of them himself and knowing that his Princess had to experience one in her arm made him anxious.

"Keep looking at me sweetie, you're being so brave." He reassured her, as the needle went in her arm.

"All done." The Doctor announced as Molly burst into pained tears, diving into Ashton's chest.

"It's over love, you're okay, shhh. Come on, you're okay!" Ashton mumbled, cuddling her close to him as she cried into his chest, the shock more than the pain affecting her. "Shhh, it's all done."

"You were very brave Molly." The Doctor smiled, holdng over a choice of stickers and lollipops. "Do you want some stickers and sweets?"

She nodded and took one of each, mumbling a 'thankyou' as Ashton thanked her properly and left the Doctor's office, relieved that it was finally over.

"Now should we get ice cream?"

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