Autumn Leaves // Luke

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A/N - sorry I haven't wrote an imagine in over a week😩😭 I have a week off school though yey🙊🌝💥

You were laid in bed surrounded by tissues, feeling sorry for yourself and wiping your nose every two minutes. You were ill and had been in bed for the past two days.
"Daddy!" Your daughter, Darcy, shouted, banging on the bedroom door. "Wanna see Mumma."

"Hold on a sec babe." Luke sighed, kissing your forehead and opening the door to find the three year old making grabby hands at him.

"Up Daddy! Up!" She squealed, jumping at his feet.

"What are you doing up, hm? You're supposed to be napping." He said, scooping her up and stroking her messy blonde hair.

"Wanna see Mumma!"

"Shh little one, Mumma isn't feeling well and you need to be quiet, okay?" He murmured, picking her up and cuddling her as she rested her head on his shoulder. "We can go say hi but you need to be quiet."

"Mumma!" She said, as Luke sat her on the bed and laid back down next to you.

"Hi baby girl." You said tiredly, wrapping your arm around her back and hugging her to your side. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

She nodded as Luke cuddled into the two
of you.

"Darcy, shall we go on the swings at the park? Let Mumma sleep for a while?" He asked, making you sigh in relief because you felt like crap.

"Yey! Swings!" She giggled, throwing herself
into Luke's arms and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"You go puts your shoes on then, I'll be down with you soon, okay?" He said, ruffling her hair as she skipped off downstairs.

"Thankyou Lukey." You sighed, rubbing your head as you snuggled down into the bed.

"No problem, I'll see you later." He replied, kissing you and leaving the bedroom in peace.


"Daddy! Look." She grinned, running over to a huge pile of leaves and diving into them.

"Woah, careful baby!" He exclaimed, scooping her up out of the leaves. "Are you okay?"

"Fine Daddy." She shrugged, as he brushed all the leaves off of her coat.

"Do you like the leaves?" He asked, kneeling down next to her and looking at the trees surrounding them.

"Yeah Daddy, they're... blue!" She announced, making Luke chuckle and cause her to be confused.

"No baby, do you remember what colour we said the sun was? Remember when I told you what colour she was?"

"Hmm..." She stopped for a second before continuing. "Orange!"

"Yes! Good girl, you're so smart." He laughed, continuing to walk to the park, where they enjoyed the time on the swings and the slide, finally allowing you to rest.

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