Chapter 12: The Words That Needed to be Said

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Jake's POV

"Jake wake up" I was drawn out of sleep by a hand roughly shaking my shoulder.

"Dad!?" I jolted to a sitting position only to see my dad still lying in his hospital bed completely unconscious.

"Sorry dude it's just me" Tyler sat down next to me. He set a donut and coffee in front of me and gave me a look that said don't argue with me just eat it.

"It's alright. Thanks for coming" I was still groggy and my back was aching from sleeping in a chair all night. I pulled a blanket off my shoulders and couldn't remember where it came from.

"Of course. How's he doing?" Tyler took a bite of my donut before forcing it into my hands.

"Still no change. I am really starting to hate this place" I groaned before downing half of my coffee.

"That wouldn't have anything to do with a certain girl who works here would it?" Tyler asked nonchalantly.

"That has nothing to do with it. I don't like hospitals in general, but I guess seeing her and her dumb boy toy together all the time is a little annoying" I shrugged and ate my donut.

"Boy toy? Really? You don't even know the guy" Tyler caught my glare. "I mean yeah total tool. She definitely lowered her standards after you" he tried to recover.

"He's not a tool. He seems like a decent guy, and it's obvious he's really into her. The idiot can't keep his eyes off her. It's obnoxious" I rolled my eyes.

"I remember when you couldn't keep your eyes off her. Oh wait, you still can't" Tyler raised his eyebrows at me.

"Shut up. She hates me man. She really hates me and frankly I don't care" I shrugged it off, but of course Tyler couldn't just accept that and let it go.

"Yeah right she doesn't-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but we're here to check his vitals" several nurses walked in and started bustling around.

"When will Dr. Jones be in? He said he would give us an update today on their treatment plan" I stood up and asked the nurse in charge.

"He should be in soon" she answered as they loaded up their cart and headed out.

"Thank you. Oh and thanks for the blanket by the way" I shouted after them.

"Oh your girlfriend brought the blanket for you" one of the nurses leaned back into the room.

"Mary was here? That was nice of her" I sat back down next to Tyler.

"Speaking of Mary how was the date on Saturday?" Tyler was spinning one of the medical carts around.

"It was going fine until you and Paige decided to be stupid. Putting Kayla and I in the same restaurant? Did you really think that would end well?" I slapped him lightly on the back of the head wishing it would knock some sense into the idiot.

"Paige can be very convincing. You know how she is" Tyler defended his idiocy.

"Be a man and stop letting her convince you to do stupid things" I slapped him again.

"Would you stop doing that? Stop being dramatic. It couldn't have been that bad" Tyler shoved me back. As he sat back down he knocked the medical cart over. Speaking of idiocy.

"Try a full on screaming match. Here I'll give you a summary. She still thinks our break up is my fault, she's dating Scott, and she says being around me is too hard so we can't even be friends. So yeah things are just wonderful. I told you she hates me" I picked up a mini football Tyler brought and threw it to him.

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