Chapter 15: Drunk Dialing

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"Hey Kayla" Paige answered her phone on the second ring. I could tell she was eating popcorn. Kettle corn judging by how loudly she was eating it.

"Are you busy? I need advice" I was still sitting on my floor. I hadn't moved an inch since Jake hung up on me.

"Are you crying?" Paige was much more alert and the sound of popcorn subsided.

"No I'm not crying. Have I ever cried over a dumb boy? No I-"

"Well there was that night when you and Jake broke up that you-" Paige interrupted me.

"I thought we agreed to never speak of it again" I silenced her. Did pinky swears mean nothing these days? Oh my I'm a twenty one year old who still uses pinky swears as a legitimate form of agreement.

"Fine I won't mention it again. Now tell me what has you not crying" Paige got the conversation back on track.

"Jake called"

"Are you two back together? Wait did you break up with Scott? I mean Scott seems nice and all, but I mean come on we all knew you and Jake were going to end up together again eventually. Tyler owes me twenty bucks. I told him it wouldn't take you guys until August" Paige was rambling, again.

"Paige slow down. Scott and I are still together, and Jake and I are worse" I sighed as the whole conversation replayed in my head.

"What!? Things were going so well! What happened?" the sound of popcorn started back up again.

"He called, he was drunk, and he went on for five minutes about how much he hated me and how he wished we never met" I slid down the wall until I was practically laying on the cool floor.

"Gosh why is he such an idiot?" Paige groaned, "Kayla he was drunk. You know Jake rarely drinks enough to get drunk, so when he does you can't expect him to be rational. I'm sure he didn't mean it" I couldn't tell who Paige was trying to convince, me or herself.

"They say alcohol brings out the truth. I think he really does hate me. How am I supposed to face him at camp tomorrow?" I ran a hand through my hair, and all the knots gave me one more reason to be frustrated.

"Well if you truly believe he meant what he said, which I don't, then he's the one who messed things up. You just go about your business, and if he decides to explain himself let him, but for now I'd leave it be" Paige said through a mouth full of popcorn.

"Alright, but please don't leave my side tomorrow" I begged.

"Pinky swear" Paige promised. See you're never too old for pinky swears.

When we said our goodbyes and hung up I just sat there on the floor for a while. That was the longest I had ever voluntarily sat in a dress. I guess black suited my mood.

Eventually I dragged myself off the floor, put on some sweats, and crawled into bed. I fell asleep dreading what the morning would bring.


I climbed out of Paige's car the next morning and took a deep breath before hauling my bag out of the back seat.

"Ready?" Paige offered me her hand.

"Ready" I grabbed her hand and headed toward the beach.

"Just act casual" Paige started tip toeing across the sand.

"That's your definition of casual? Really?" I swear she had the maturity of a five year old.

"I'm basically a spy. Don't judge me. Gosh" Paige gasped dramatically before heading to her court. So much for not leaving my side.

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