Chapter 17: Surprises

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"Morning sunshine. What's with the scowl?" Paige threw her arm around my shoulder as I shuffled my way across the sand the next morning.

"I didn't sleep at all last night" I yawned an extremely unattractive yawn.

"Where you watching Netflix all night again?" Paige shot me a mom look, which was impressive given her age and lack of children.

"No mother I wasn't watching Netflix" I stuck my tongue out at her, "I'm observing an amazing surgery this week at the hospital and the doctor I'm shadowing this rotation loves asking the interns really difficult questions. I don't want to make a fool of myself so I've been studying like crazy" I yawned again. This was going to be a rough day.

"Studying in the summer? Gross" Paige scrunched her nose up like she smelled something rancid.

"Tell me about it. I just hope today goes by quickly so I can fast forward to tonight when I can sleep" I noticed her smirking and avoiding eye contact.

"Paige what's with the weird look?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? That's just my face" Paige rolled her eyes and looked about anywhere, but directly at me.

"Paige I know you're not as horrible of a liar as I am, but you're pretty darn close" I knew my best friend, and I knew something was up.

"Nothing is going on. Geez stop being so paranoid. You should really get some more sleep grumpy" Paige tapped my nose before heading toward her court. Maybe I was just sleep deprived.

I was in the middle of setting up my court when I saw him.

I ran to hide behind the nearest group of ball carts.

I slowly watched as his shoes came closer and closer.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Jake's voice.

"Dropping off my little brother. Not that it's any of your business"

"Blake kids get dropped off in the parking lot. There's no reason for you to walk all the way down here" I watched as Jake's shoes took a step toward Blake's shoes.

"I'm just being protective of my brother. You never know what crazy guys might be on this beach" Blake responded coolly.

"We both know that you came down here to harass Kayla again, but obviously I'm the only one who can see it's clearly futile. Just leave her alone" Jake threw back at him.

Now I wasn't hiding like a coward. Okay maybe I was, but it wasn't because I was scared of Blake or a wimp. Trust me yelling at Blake was extremely entertaining, but it took a lot of energy and I didn't have the energy for it today.

"Dude just because you want her doesn't mean you can call dibs. This isn't the 1st grade" Blake wasn't trying to hide his condescension.

"I have a girlfriend bud and Kayla has a boyfriend so stop pretending like you know what you're talking about" Jake took another step forward.

"Please Kayla should be begging for a date with me. She's obviously just clueless and can't see a great offer when it's starting her right in the face" Blake was so cocky it was making my blood boil.

"That's it. Jake thanks for running interference, but I can handle this from here" I stood up and stepped between the two. There was way too much testosterone in such a small space and it was suffocating.

"Hey babe I was just telling lover boy here to go away and leave us alone" Blake sneered at Jake.

"You are this close to getting my fist in your face. I swear-" Jake tried to move around me. Why did this keep happening?

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