Chapter 24: Big Plans

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"I'm going to punch that son of a-" Paige slammed her hand on the table as Jeremy covered her mouth with his hand.

"Alright crazy we are in the middle of a restaurant you need to keep your voice down" Jeremy whispered.

"Get your paws off me. I'm going to rant, and you're not going to stop me" Paige pushed him down so he was sitting in the booth before turning back to me, "you mean to tell me that he's been living near here for the past ten years and didn't even bother to show up until now?" Paige was still standing up with all of her weight on her hands on the table.

"Pretty much" I slouched in the booth and pushed my food around my plate.

Angela kept trying to make me eat, but I couldn't find my appetite.

"I want an address and a phone number. Someone has to teach that guy a lesson" Paige was shaking the table now. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

"What are you going to do? Tackle him? I don't know if you're aware of this, but you're not very big Paige" Jeremy, the rare voice of reason, insisted.

"I'm going to give you a piece of advice here buddy. Do not try and be logical when I'm in rant mode. Got it?" Paige smiled sweetly at him, while Angela tried not to laugh.

"Noted" Jeremy nodded.

"Now back to what we're going to do about this whole situation. We can be at the grocery store in about ten minutes. I'm thinking eggs, feathers, and a whole bunch of mayonnaise. We throw the eggs and mayonnaise on his house first so that the feathers stick, and then..." I gave Angela a knowing look as Paige ranted on and on about her scheme. At least the excessive plans I make are logical.

"I have an even better idea" Angela's eyes gleamed.

Angela probably had the best ideas out of all of us, so when she spoke up, I knew this was going to be good.

I remember sophomore year for spring break there was a huge storm and none of the flights could make it off the runway, so all the students were stuck on campus.

No one knew what to do on campus for a week, no one except Angela.

She organized this massive dorm against dorm tournament. We had the dumbest challenges, but everyone got so into it. We had to do everything from making boats out of stuff we found in our dorms, to campus wide water balloon fights, to rigging a huge screen and watching movies all night on the football field.

Despite the fact that almost every boat sank, and it rained the night we slept on the field, that week was one of my favorite college memories.

"Kayla I'm scared. Angela has that look in her eye again" Jeremy whispered to me nervously.

"Aww is Jer afraid of Angela's evil genius?" I cooed and pinched his cheek.

"Absolutely. The last time she had a bright idea I woke up soaking wet lying in mud. Can't you just do what normal girls do and watch some chick flicks, eat ice cream, and cry until you feel better?" Jeremy begged.

"Hah have you met us Jer? We are not normal girls" Paige snorted.

"Don't remind me. I need to get back to school where I have more guy friends" Jeremy mumbled.

"We all know you love us. Anyway Ang what's your genius idea?" I asked.

"I was thinking instead of hanging around here where you're stuck dealing with Andrew, why don't we go back to being stereotypical teenagers for a few days and run away from our problems?" Angela wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.

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