Chapter 21: Hiding From It All

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Jake's POV

"Have you seen Kayla?" Paige ran up to me as I was setting up my campers' volleyball court.

"No, doesn't she normally drive here with you?" I didn't understand why she was so frantic.

"Exactly. I was with Angela last night looking at wedding stuff while Kayla was with Charlotte. We were supposed to go over to her house that night, but she sent us a text saying she didn't feel well so Angela came back to my house so she wouldn't get sick. Jeremy is still visiting family friends. I went to pick Kayla up this morning and she didn't answer the door" Paige's eyes were darting everywhere as if Kayla would suddenly appear.

"She didn't text or call you? That isn't like Kayla" the worry was slowly creeping in.

"No warning whatsoever. She just wasn't there when I went to pick her up" Paige was wringing her hands anxiously.

"I know where they hide the spare key, we should just go inside. Maybe she overslept" I started towards the parking lot.

"Jake I know you were the boyfriend for a long time, but I've been the best friend forever. I used the key to get inside and Kayla and Charlotte weren't there. I know you're trying to help, but we need another plan" Paige insisted.

"Alright well we'll cover for her so she doesn't get in trouble with our boss, then after camp we'll call Charlotte's camp to see if she's there, and we'll track Kayla down" I wished we could go look for her right now. I didn't think I could make it through camp worrying about her the whole time.

Somehow I made it through those three hours without completely focusing on Kayla. Alright that's a lie. In three hours I managed to call her eleven times without anyone noticing. I guess Kayla didn't notice either because she didn't pick up or answer any of my twenty text messages.

If it were any other person missing one day of work without telling anyone and not answering the phone wouldn't be anything to panic about, but this wasn't any old person.

Kayla Ryans hadn't had a sick day from work or school since the 6th grade, and she would never miss work without calling her boss or telling Paige she didn't need a ride.

Kayla hated having to ask people for rides, even if they insisted it was no big deal and it wasn't out of their way. Trust me I spent a whole summer driving Kayla to our volleyball league practices, and each time she acted as if I was giving one of my kidneys to her. She wouldn't make Paige drive across town to pick her up when she wasn't home unless something was really wrong.

"I swear that was the longest day of camp ever. I'm pretty sure the hands on my watch started going backwards at one point" Paige came up behind me right as my last kid ran off with his dad.

"She isn't picking up her phone Paige. Kayla always has her phone on her in case Charlotte's camp calls. What is going on?" I ran my hands through my hair.

"Angela, Jeremy, and Scott should be here any minute. We'll find her" Paige patted me on the back before pulling out her phone. I knew Kayla was the level headed one in their relationship. She was the one who kept it together during a crisis, kept both of them together. Paige was having a hard time keeping it together and she was struggling, but she would never admit that because she was almost as stubborn as her best friend.

"Good maybe Scott will know where to find her" I couldn't figure out where she could be or why she wouldn't call.

"What's going on?" Angela and Jeremy came running up, and Scott walked down from the parking lot a minute later.

"Kayla didn't show up for work, she isn't at home, and none of us have heard from her. We don't know where she or Charlotte are" I caught them up to speed.

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