Chapter 26: Part 2 A Weekend Permanently in Our Memories

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Alright folks, buckle your seatbelts. This is the chapter you've been waiting for, the chapter where all your questions are answered. Ready or not, here we go.

I was curled up in my sleeping bag, sleeping like a rock, when I heard a light thumping sound.

My first thought was it was raining. I rubbed my eyes and slowly drew myself out of sleep with the dread that our weekend had been ruined by the weather.

When I became fully conscious I realized the sounds I was hearing weren't characteristic of rain.

The thuds were spaced out and each one shook the tent.

I climbed out of the tent and was instantly hit with water.

Not rain.

Water balloons.

Tyler's head appeared from behind a tree before another balloon flew past my face.

Before I knew what was happening, let alone had breakfast, all of us were in an all-out war.

It was every man for himself, but to no one's surprise, since Tyler decided to wake us all up this way we all ganged up on him pretty quickly.

I was running behind one of the tents to get away from Jeremy, when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me down onto their lap.

"Scott you scared me half to death" I laughed as I turned... and realized it wasn't Scott's lap I was sitting on.

"Shhh Tyler and Angela are hiding behind that car. You were about to get ambushed. Your knight in shining armor just saved your life. You're welcome" Jake whispered in my ear as I peered around the tent to assess the competition.

"I'm no damsel in distress, and honey I don't need saving" I whispered in his ear before sliding off his lap. I popped a water balloon over his head, winked, and ran around the corner to get Tyler and Angela.

After our soaking wet wake up call, we spent the rest of the day hiking. Jake of course had to stay behind, and Mary stayed with him because she wasn't exactly the outdoorsy type. Why she came in the first place I'll never know.

We explored the trails for most of the afternoon and eventually found this cliff that had an unbelievable view. Our timing was perfect. The sun was slowly sinking over the horizon and washing the whole landscape with soft light making the colors blur.

I took a deep breath and hugged Angela, offering a silent thank you for this much needed weekend.

A few hours later, we were sitting around the campfire trying to hold onto our last moments of escape before we turned in for the night and left the next morning.

We thought about singing some typical campfire songs from when we were kids, but our lack of musical talent had us switching to telling stories pretty quickly.

Tyler was in the middle of a story about the time he got chased by a deer when a huge cracking noise ripped through the air from behind us.

Everyone jumped, but Mary literally jumped, right into Jeremy's lap. Jeremy sat there stunned for a second before gently resting his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Trying to steal another one of my girlfriends? Typical" Jake snorted.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jeremy stood up as Mary slid down onto the log next to him.

"We all know you stole Kayla from me, and that's why we broke up?" Jake rolled his eyes.

"Alright now it's my turn to ask: what the hell are you talking about?" I had no idea what was going on. A huge tree branch crashes in the forest behind us and all of a sudden people lose their minds.

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