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Chapter 11.

Scene 1.

[Liam's Room, The Payne Mansion, 7:46 pm, Projects.]

(Niall and Liam are lying on Liam's bed and smoking a joint.)

Liam: "Why are you not going to that party?"

Niall: (staring up at the ceiling) "I don't like dancing."

Liam: (takes the joint from Niall's hand, takes a drag) "What did you tell Louis?"

Niall: "Nothing. He didn't even ask me if I was coming."

Liam: "Oh."

Niall: "He has more important projects."

Liam: (turns to face Niall) "Won't he be...disappointed that you are hanging out with me?"

Niall: (chuckles) "He'll probably have a heart attack."

Liam: (smiles) "He hates me that much?"

Niall: (laughs) "He's not very fond of you. Even I hated you but now...you're cool."

Scene 2.

[ Josh's Farmhouse, 9:30 pm, Concern.]

(Louis, Sam, James, Harry and Acanit, all arrive at the party together.)

James: (looking around, checking the guys and girls out) "This is sick man!"

Louis: (excited) "Let's go get drinks first!"

Harry: (walking towards the bar) "Shots for everyone?"

Sam: "I don't drink."

Harry: (smiles) "That's not a problem. I'll get you a coke, is that okay?"(Sam smiles and nods)

Louis: (takes up the shot and sucks the lemon) "This is good."

Acanit: (sits on Harry's lap, trailing her fingers on Harry's neck and chest) "Having fun, babe?"

Harry: (takes up a shot, smirks) "You don't even wanna know."

Acanit: (starts playing with his hair) "Wanna-"

Louis: (annoyed and bitter) "We don't want to know your ideas of fun, Acanit. Have some shame."

Harry: (smiling, under his breath) "Aha."

Sam: (exclaims) "You got her name right!"

Louis: (rolls his eyes) "Shut up, Sam."(takes up another shot) "Niall should've been here."

Acanit: (gets up Harry's lap, pulls him up by his collar, bites her lip, seductively) "Let's dance, Harry."(both of them walk to the dance floor)

Louis: (slams his glass down) "What the actual fuck is this!"

James: (looks at Harry and then at Louis, smirks, to himself) "Someone's jealous."

Louis: (to the bartender) "Give me a shot!"

James: (grabs Louis' hand, leads him to dance floor) "Let the game begin."

Louis: "What do you mea-"(James stops near Harry and Acanit and smirks) "Oh."

James: (pulls Louis close to his chest, starts moving) "Let's have some fun."

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