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Chapter 14.

[Guest Room, Kate's Apartment, 12:26 pm, What do you mean by different?]

(Sam has just woken up.)

Louis: (hands Sam a glass of water and a tablet of Advil) "Here. Take this, Sam."

Sam: (takes the tablet, wiping his mouth) "Thank you, Louis."

Louis: (sits on the bed, after a minute) "Sam, I want to tell you something."

Sam: (puts his glass of water on the side table) "Yes?"

Louis: (loud) "Sam, James is a bastard!"

Sam: (startled) "What?"

Louis: "First he tried to flirt with me and when I didn't respond he went to that Acanit!"

Sam: (puts a hand on Louis' knee) "We'll find a better guy, Louis."

Louis: "No, Sam. I'm so sorry!"

Sam: "It's oka-"

Louis: (buries his face in his hands, interjects) "First Liam and now James."

Sam: (sympathetic) "But Louis, it's not your fault!"

Louis: "It's all my fault!"

Sam: "Louis, it's okay!"

Louis: (groans) "I don't know why I thought that you and James will be happy together!"

Sam: "What?! Me and James?!"(covers his mouth) "I thought you and James!"

Louis: "What?!"

Sam: "Louis."(after a pause, bites his lip) "I love someone else."

Louis: "Really?"(Sam nods shyly, Louis smiles) "Who?"

Sam: (smiling) "The one who's the best. The one with whom I danced for the first tim-"

Louis: (slowly realising) "Who?!"

Sam: (shyly) "Who takes care of me and who has that dimple."(touches his own dimple, smiling) "Just like me. He even saved me from drowning."(puts both of his hands on his heart) "My Hero."

Louis: (gasps, gets up from the bed, shocked) "Harry?!"

Sam: (grinning) "Yes."

Louis: (still shocked, starts moving back and forth, nervous chuckle) "But S-Sam, you and Harry are r-really different. He's n-not your type."

Sam: (frowns) "Why?"

Louis: (forced smile, really nervous) "You're j-just really different people."(rubs his hands on his face) "You're not his type, Sam!"

Sam: "Wha-"

Louis: "I need to brush my teeth."(walks towards the bathroom)

Sam: (to himself) "Different?"(gets up from the bed, Louis comes out holding a toothbrush in his hand) "What do mean by different?"

Louis: "You-"

Sam: (interjects, loud, angry) "Louis, what do you mean by different?!"(eyes Louis from head to toe) "Because, I don't wear expensive clothes like you?!"

Louis: (looks down at his sweatpants and tshirt) "What?"

Sam: "Or I don't speak fluent french like you?"(harsh) "Or because I'm middle class? A villager, right?!"

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