Lead! Innovate?

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“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3

Innovate: “make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new methods, ideas, or products” New Oxford American Dictionary

There's nothing that's much more exciting than innovation. Bronze and iron changed the power structure of the world's cultures. The automobile changed the way we moved, and reduced the demand on animals. Airplanes ushered in a new age of world travel, exploration, discovery, and air power. Then, computers changed our capabilities and gave us the ability to calculate, communicate, and experience our world; and their continuous innovations change our world in ways unfathomable only moments before. All these innovations are fantastic and exciting, and many of us can't wait for new computing functionalities, new automobile capabilities, and the list continues. The thing that makes most innovations exciting is that, for the most part, we don't realize our need or desire for them. Every new innovation is like a mysterious gift under the tree on Christmas morning. Like the Hyundai slogan states, “The power to surprise” is what makes innovators such powerful leaders. They provide products and services that satisfy a need that was previously unknown, or at least unexpected. Human innovation has, is, and will continue to amaze. However, there is an innovator that is greater than any other rival. He created the ultimate innovation. He created the human experience. Without His original innovation, no other would be possible. But He didn't just create us and leave us to our own senses. He has continuously updated our experience. From Adam and Eve, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to Moses and the Israelites, to Christ, and ultimately, to our salvation. There's a saying that goes, “To be a great leader you need to be a great follower.” What leadership and innovative qualities do we have to offer? And, are we following the one who created innovation? The answers to those two questions have the power to change our lives forever.

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thank you so much for reading,


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