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if you're here

please just go

i am respecting your boundaries

and i deserve the same respect

i am not claiming to be an angel

and i am not the genius

you seem to think i am

i can and have made mistakes

but for the love of god

recognise that not everything i do is perfect

because truth is subjective

i wish you understood that

because when you claim

that i am bringing this upon myself

it is just my opinion.

unless this is a tv show

with an audience and a fated outcome

no one truly understands

why we did what we did

and how damaged we became

there is no objective view

it is just one word against another

and we know what we know

and we believe what we want to hear

but i am not playing the victim

just because i only know how it felt to me

and you need to recognise that

because how am i supposed to know how you felt?

was it the most morally right thing?

no, it wasn't

and i can recognise that

but it is not entirely my fault

neither of us are truly the victims

just know that given the opportunity

i would undo some of what i did

i don't regret how it happened though

i just wish we had more time

or no time at all

because there cannot be much worse than this

if you're still reading this

just know that i wish i could see

what happened to you and me

a lovely dichotomy

a story for the ages

i am not throwing us away

i just cannot do this right now

in another universe

or in none

maybe this was never meant to happen. 

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