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Hello!! Im in San Antonio and I'm bored at McDonald's so I decided to write a chapter for y'all I hope you enjoy.
The next day for Marcel wasn't like any other day, why? Cause he was smiling and not having that sour face or in tears. He was happy cause he woke today remembering the kiss Zayn and him shared last night and honesty it was the best night of Marcel life.

Marcel enter school without out a worry well not really he was still scared of kids bullying and pushing him around like a rag doll.

Marcel reached his locker putting his combination getting his books for his first class that he had with Zayn. He was really excited to sit next to Zayn and smell his scent of cigarettes even though he had a asthma attack..but he didn't mind really. His locker slammed shut making him jump slightly to see a boy in a blueish-grey jersey with the numer 4 on the front making him gulp.

"Your Marcel?" The Jock asked. His voice was clear he was from Scotland with a hit of English.

"Y-yes, why?" Marcel was scared now. The only reason people come up to him is either 1. Ask him to do their homework Or 2. Pick on him.

The Jock smirked, "You see Marcel im having trouble with my math work and if I fail im not able to play and the team needs me for the final game by next week and if I fail I can't play.. do you see where this is heading? " the Jock sneered making Marcel whimper.

"Yes..b-but I can t-tutor you if you-" Marcel let out a whimper when the Jock pressed his body up against Marcel holding by his grey sweater vest.

"I don't want a damn tutor I want you to do my work and-"

Soon the Jock was pulled off of Marcel who hide behind the body. "Damn Israel you never learn do you? Im mean c'mon your always asleep in history and all your other classes and not learn one damn thing besides breath, eat and fuck the cheerleaders." Zayn smirked has Israel got up.

"Whatever Zayn, why are you protecting this faggot?" Marcel whince at the word and squeezed Zayn arm slightly. "I mean I didn't you know you were one." Israel smirked.

"Says the one who kissed me last year in that party you threw when your family went to America." Zayn smirked knowing that was a secret between them and Zayn always wanted to use it against him one day.

Kids in the hall way gasp, mostly girls cause they were either his ex's or girls who wanted to bang him. Israel chest rises and fall rapidly and swug at Zayn and Zayn gripped his arm and twisted it pinning him to the locker.

Zayn chuckled, "You still don't learn do you Israel?" Zayn whispered harshly in his ear. "Don't touch him or else we'll have a problem." Israel nodded and Zayn let him go.

Zayn turned to Marcel and engulfed him into a hug. "You okay?" He asked pulling away a bit. Marcel nodded licking his lips slightly. "Don't be frighten by Israel he's just some asshole who never learns and not has bright." Marcel giggle softly making Zayn smile and kiss his lips quickly. "C'mon don't wanna be late for class." Zayn said making Marcel eyes widen.

"Shit!" Marcel coursed and slapped his mouth quickly. Marcel never has said such a word especially 'shit' but he has said shut up, but that's really not consider a swear word, or is it?

"That's cute." Zayn smirked and rushed to class.

It was lunch and like usual Marcel was alone and picking at his food, well whatever this meat it. Marcel looked all around for Zayn but never saw him making him worry a bit and paranoid. Was Zayn using me? Was he lip locking with some guy or girl?

Marcel questions were answered when Zayn came in the cafeteria walking to Marcel holding a bag of McDonald's with a grin. "Hey Marcel, sorry I didn't show up sooner McDonald's was packed." He said sitting across from the boy.

Marcel nodded and Zayn notice his sadness, "what's wrong? Was anyone picking on you, I swear to God those bastards are-"

"Zayn im fine, I was just worried." Marcel said calming Zayn down.

"Oh, worried about what?"


"Me?" Marcel nodded. "I'm fine Marcel I can take care of myself ,but thanks for caring." Zayn smile at him and begin to take out the food from the bag.

"Did you like buy out McDonald's and made them go out of business?" Marcel giggle at Zayn.

"Maybe, but I didn't know what you liked and you hardly eat so I got you nuggets, a crispy chicken burger and large fries." Zayn listed.

"No drink?"

"I got you a McBlizzard, I didn't know what toppings you also liked so I got you m&m's." Zayn said handing him his food.

Marcel looked at the food unsure he could eat it. Its not that he's anorexic or bulimic, it's just his stomach won't eat certain things so he would have to throw it back up. His stomach would get uneasy quickly from to much food or whatever it wouldn't digest properly. "I don't think my stomach would be happy about this." He stated to Zayn who already consumed a cheese burger in four bites. "Its to much and my stomach is very picky at what I eat and I just don't wanna get sick." He said truthfully.

Zayn hummed, "well eat a few nuggets and fries. Your stomach won't hurt with that, and I can buy you water if you like?"

"No it's okay you already spent enough money on me with food, I'll just eat the ice cream."

"Its fine Marcel," Zayn said. "You can pay me back today after school when we hang out after you tutor me."


"Okay," Zayn repeated. "Wait this isn't turning into some The Fault in Our Stars shit is it? Cause I want our own little phrase and not some book." Zayn said making Marcel laugh a bit bit quickly stopped.

"You should laugh more often," Zayn said. "it's cute."

Marcel smile slightly, but didn't say anything to Zayn he just ate the food and water that Zayn bought after a while and soon the bell rang making them go their separate ways. Has Marcel walked to class he was dragged to the boy's bathroom making him panic has he trying to fight off whoever dragged him.

"Hello Marcel."


AN: Hello my lovely, sexy, Zarry/Zarcel shippers. How are you?

How do you like this chapter so far?

I know it wasn't that dramatic or anything till the end and shit but personally not my best I guess.

Im still in San Antonio at the moment on the road to a wild life safari!! And I'm so excited!!

Vote and comment please!!

Thank you Z.Z

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