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Marcel sat in the cafeteria alone sitting in the back where all the kids who are alone like him sit. He didn't eat nor did he feel like it. He hated the food that they serve for the students saying it healthy and nutritional, but that's bullshit even he knew that. In his other school he had a friend who he use to sit with all the time always laughing and talking having a great time, but that all changed in one night. He said his goodbye to his best friend Liam, he missed the brown eyes the sweet smile and personality he had.

He also missed Sophia-Liam girlfriend-she was also sweet and caring always asking if he was okay and made sure he was eating since he hardly ate anything. She was like a big sister even though he had Gemma, but she was away at college at the time. Sophia and Liam always protected Marcel making sure no one would hurt him or that him badly if so well that had to deal with them.

"Mind if I sit here?" Marcel looked up to see Zayn staring down at him with a brow raised waiting for an answer.

Marcel shrugged. "Sure.I'll move-"

"No, stay I just wanted to sit with you."

"Why?" Marcel asked then felt something in the pit of his stomach. "If this is a joke can you get it over with, I'm not in the mood." He said.

This was no joke, Zayn actually wanted to sit next to the boy and talk to him but seeing Marcel was serious. Zayn thought people had done some stuff to him and knew how to react when people sit next to him.

"This isn't a joke or a prank." Zayn said. "I wanted to talk to you...about the tutoring thing. "

"Oh, What about it?" Marcel was a bit relaxed but still on high alert for anything.

"I was wondering if I can go to your place mine is a bit..messy and the cigarette smoke there is real strong and I don't want to replay what had happen a week ago seeing you have bad asthma and a strong scent of smell." Marcel laugh.

He actually laugh, but for a second and quickly shut his mouth not wanting to make that sound that he thought was awful sound but zayn thought it was sorta...cute?

"Sorry about my laugh, it's weird." He blush has Zayn smile and chuckle.

"It's fine. I think it's sorta cute. Never heard you laugh it makes you seem more open." He try to explain.

Marcel raised a brow."Open? What do you mean?" He was puzzle at the boy words.

Zayn shook his head."It's hard to explain, but makes you look less depressed if I'm using the correct term I guess."

Zayn blush slightly feeling the blood rush to his neck and ears has his heart beats hard probably Marcel can hear. Marcel smile to the point a dimple popped out usually you would never see it cause he hated them thinking they were ugly on him. Zayn reached out and touched it making Marcel back away quickly thinking Zayn might do something to him and Zayn caught it. "I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke like Marcel was some hurt animal who got hit ."I promise."

"Don't promise something you can't keep." He said. Zayn was sorta shock at his choice of words but just nodded knowing the boy was right about some promises he should and shouldn't keep and not hurting Marcel was one promise he'll keep.

Zayn notice how Marcel kept looking out of the corner of his eyes has if someone was watching him. Zayn turn not to see someone but some students looking at them with a confusion, anger-girls mostly-and just plan out weird has they saw something random happen like c'mon can't someone with tattoos who looks like bad ass can sit with someone who's less of a bad ass and has hardly tattoos? It's like cats and dogs getting along no difference.

Zayn glare at them turning back to Marcel taking his hand in his sending shivers down Marcel arm giving him that butterfly feeling has his heart speed up. "Ignore them." Zayn spoke softly. "They can't do shit unless I'm gone, but I'm not leaving you okay?"

Zayn was speaking the truth. He only knew the kid for a short time but he felt sorta connected to like a magnet. Zayn had an urge to protect the boy from harm even he might be the harm. Marcel smile softly and nodded, but his smile didn't reach his eyes like Zayn would hope, Marcel was scared of him, who wouldn't be? Marcel heard every rumor that the kids in the halls say about Zayn. How he had anger issues, a short temper and has bipolar disorder and from what Marcel knew of Zayn from last week some had filled in the blank. Now he's nice, sincere and being honest with him. Maybe he is bipolar. He thought wanting to ask if he was but it was a risk not knowing how he'll react.

"So your house after school?"

"Huh? S-sorry I-I sorta spaced out." he stutter making him groan. Get your stupid stutter under control!

Zayn chuckle. "It's fine. But I will need your address if your going to help me pass Mrs.Brooks class." He repeated. His face looked so hard and angry but he was just being normal. Maybe that's why kids were afraid of him always looking like he had a scow on his face made people turn the other way.

Marcel wrote the address in perfect cursive writing and handed it to zayn who thanked him and on time the bell rung making Marcel hurry and gathered his stuff and started walking to his next class till Zayn was shouting his name making him stop and turn.

"Yeah?" He muttered has kids stared at the both. "Do you understand the handwriting if not I can-"

"No, it's just...are you free Friday night?"

"No. I have an appointment with Mr.Horan."

"Oh, what time will you be free?" Zayn pushed.

"Umm," Marcel was stuttering again. Why does he care if I'm free? Is he going to murder me or hurt me? "Maybe after 7." He concluded. "Why?" Curiosity got to him.

Zayn shrugged. "Just so we can hang out I guess..get to know each other better." That was half the truth.

"Why?" Marcel sounded offended even nobody said anything bad about him. "Why are you trying to be my friend? Did someone put you up to this? If so I don't want to be apart of it." Marcel was getting depressed now he felt hurt even if nobody did something to him. He wanted to cry but he can't.. not in front of Zayn.

"Why do you keep thinking that?"

"Cause! Everyone pretends to be friends with me and use me for the benefit of themselves. I get bullied a lot, but nobody cares for the nerd who gets pushed around always being a rag doll to others." Marcel let the tears fall. "I'm tired of it." He squeaked out has he wiped his eyes

Zayn looked at the small fragile boy who was now shaking and crying who's been nothing through pain and touchier his whole life. Zayn immediately wrapped his arms around the boy who needed the hug to calm down and be reassured everything was going to be okay..
A/N:Well what you guys think? Nah or yeah? It seemed rushed but next chapter I'll keep it slow and add some drama into the mix. Love you.



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