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Four Months later...

"I love you." Marcel smiles kissing Sams lips as Sam kissed right back loving the feeling of Marcel in his arms.

Sam West Thomas.

A man with looks and the brains also Marcel boyfriend of two months ever since Zayn left Marcel at Nialls, poor boy didn't take it well when he found out Zayn left him in Bradford while he was somewhere in Los Angeles well that's what everyone keeps saying.

Marcel called and texted even faxed him but got nothing in return feeling like he messed up so bad with him having depression and being secretive but so was Zayn but he admite them to Marcel later.

Zayn: 1 point

Marcel: 0

But enough about the past Marcel is happy now. 

Sam is a great boyfriend and never  hurt Marcel or kept him in the dark about his secrets and always told the truth but Marcel didn't tell him about his mom telling Sam it was to personal and he understood unlike Zayn.

"How did I hit the jackpot with you." Sam mumbled into the kiss letting his tounge swipe against Marcel's lips making him tingel in his pants making him pull away.

Sam groaned rolling his eyes. "Why do you always do that?  Pull away when things are about to get heated do you not finds me attractive or do you want to break up-"

"No!" Marcel bites his lips. "No.. It's just I'm not ready yet I want things to be perfect and I really want to be sure I want this and loose it to you." Marcel explain but Sam rolled his brown eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going out'" He said getting up from his spot as Marcel followed. "Alone." He grits noticing Marcel getting ready.

"Oh.. Okay have fun babe." Marcel squeaks laying back in his bed fiddling with his vest.

Sam noticed and sighed feeling bad for making Marcel upset. He leaned over placing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll be back, okay baby maybe when I get back we can try again yeah?"

Marcel nods not really caring as Sam left only to be alone with his thoughts.

Marcel turned over to the bed stand and reached over to get his phone unlocking it as it opened to a wallpaper if him and Zayn when he gave him a makeover to see what he would look like with unslick hair and glasses.

"Nope, get those away from me." Marcel glared at the contacts that Zayn got for him.

Zayn laughed placing the contacts down. "At least take off your glasses for a bit, ans change into this." he handed him a outfit. "And don't slick your hair I already have an idea for it.

Marcel rolled his eyes and agrreed as he went to the shower only to stop Zayn following his tracks.

"You stay here, Ill shower alone this time." red tinted his cheeks as his breathing was deeper than usual before locking the door.

"See perfect." Zayn Said spining Marcel around to see himself in the mirror wearing a flannel with a dark shirt under and Black jeans with a bandana keeping his curls in place.  "Beautiful," zayn Said before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, but you know I would never wear this out in public ,its to much attention especially school."

Zayn understood him so well but Marcel needed to get Out of his confort zone even if it takes a year or more he'll understand more than others. He loved him so much even making him happy was always on his mind even if he had to leave one day.

Glasses and Cigarettes {Zarcel}✔Where stories live. Discover now