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Spring break was over and everyone was tired from staying up all night and sleeping all day or hungover from the big parties that they thrown from the night before.

Ever since the cinema, Marcel went back Zayns apartment with his sister approvel and spend the night together cuddling and kissing. Zayn always found it cute when Marcel blushes when he would kiss all over his face making him groan or squeal when Zayn would lick his cheeks on purpose.

Marcel would tutor Zayn when he would go over to his house but Zayn wouldn't listen making Marcel get frustrated and throw the books and whatever he could get his hands on making Zayn laugh and is throws seeing they were terrible.

"If you don't wanna learn Zayn I can easily leave and go home." Marcel put his foot down.

"Babyyy," Zayn whines on his knees clutching to Marcel's waits." Baby please don't go cause...cause? I forgot the rest of the lyrics." Marcel shook his head "But seriously don't go, I need you more than you think. English isn't my best topic even though I'm speaking the language. Its weird-"

"Your stalling."

"And your pushy, now thats out of the way let me kiss you!" Zayn brought Marcel down making him squeak.

Marcel pushed Zayns face away. No matter how bad he wanted to kiss Zayn lips he couldn't he need for him to pass English so he wouldn't repeat especially with the teacher ,she was so boring.

"Lets make a deal." Marcel spoke catching Zayns attention.

"What kind of deal?"

"If you study now and when we're finish we can kiss all you want, and if you don't and only get a bit done I won't um..sit, talk or even kiss you until you pass the test."

Zayn raised a drow at him thinking about it, he highly doubt Marcel would ignore him, well maybe he can?

"Deal, where the books you threw at me? I wanna kiss you by tonight maybe give you a hickey or three." Zayn teased getting the books.

"Whatever pops your bubble."

"You know what I don't wanna go inside like I already have enough hell when Gemma gets mad at me."

"Get in! You can't waist time the bell is about to ring and your gonna be-" the bells rings. "late."

Marcel groans at Zayn has he just stands there shrugging his shoulders saying oops. Marcel rolled his eyes and entered the school annoyed by Zayn already, not only they were late Marcel couldn't get Zayn up unless he would kiss him but Zayn had morning breathe and wasn't going near him.

"Marcy." Zayn teases making him huff in annoyance.

"What Zayn?"

"Im really sorry, I didn't mean to make us late well you since I don't care, but I'll make it up to you though." Zayn promise.


Zayn knew Marcel was mad but he looked so cute and he wanted to kiss him but it wasn't the time he needed to fix this. Once Zayn dropped off Marcel to his class he told the teacher what happened and not to count him tardy or absent seeing it was important to Marcel and the teacher nodded but it was a warning and the last time that happens. Zayn appreciate it and kissed Marcel bye has he went to class.

"Malik!" Great.

Zayn turned around seeing Issac but bruised up making himself smirk. "Nice face did you do something new," Israel groan at Zayn knowingly he wanted to get under his skin. "I see you got my message babe, stay away from Marcel or else you'll be in a hospital or the morg."

Israel laughed. "This isn't gonna stop me Zayn. You should know by then I'll mess with your loser nerd boyfriend probably take his fine ass and make him mine, like I did with you." It was Zayns turn to laugh.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure your the one who bitched at me to take your virginity even after I told you no and when I did you bitched more on why I took it." Zayn said making Israel anger.

"Don't pretend your a big shit Israel, we both know I can easily take you done with a punch the gut." Zayn seethed.

"Your right," he spoke calmly. "But remember Zayn the past will come back and bite you in the ass if your don't watch out. How do you think Marcel will feel if he found out about the shit you did, Hmm?"

"Stay away from him."

"How can you not like this?"

"I don't know, it's weird.. Ew! It jiggles."

"No it- oh it does?"

"Get it out of my face, it's staring at me... I think it blinked!"

"What are you guys-dude it did blink!" James said as Alison snorted at him.

"Dude chill it's just a squid I'm pretty sure they killed it." Alison said picking up the squid with her chopsticks. "Ew, how can you eat this Zayn? Its disgusting." She gaged.

"Its good, I don't know how you guys don't like it." He said then took a bite of the squid making his friends and Marcel gag.

"Ugh I'm gonna be sick." Calum fake barf making Michael shake his head. "I can see the light." He dramatically said looking into the light that hanged above the table.

Marcel laughed at his child like behavior and looked at Zayn. "Do they always act like this?"

Zayn nodded looking at his idiotc people he calls friends. Zayn didn't really know how he got along with his friends they just came into his life when he needed them the most especially when she left him, and was getting better for her. He hasn't seen her since she left him and he misses her so much he wish he can hold her one last time, but he needed to focus on now before he goes and sees her and soon tell Marcel the truth.

"Where did the squid go?" Michael asked as everyone looked at Zayn bowl.

"Fuck this I'm out!"

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this.. it's sorta crappy but it's something, next will probably be a bit of drama and all.

Comment, Vote and Share I love you guys!! Z-Z

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