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"So you made a friend?"


"What do you mean by sorta?"

"He's someone I have to tutor today. He's sorta scary looking if you get pass his tattoos and all." Marcel said fiddling with his Romans shirt he had worn causally to the building. His hair was slightly gel back and wore his glasses to see like always.

Niall hummed slightly writing down his words. This is the most Marcel has talked to his shrink and he seemed surprised himself of speaking without stuttering or just blackly staring at the man who was trying to help. Marcel kept talking about Zayn how different he was from others how the black ink told different stories on him even if he didn't know what they truly went they were just beautiful to his eyes. Niall smile softly knowing Zayn talked to the boy and listen to his words to become friends with Marcel, even if he was stubborn and short tempered he listen for once.

"He said he wanted to hangout on Friday, but I don't know when and where." He said. "Is it a date if someone asked you to hang out to get to know each other?" Marcel was confused. I'm I even gay? Or bisexual? He wonder.

Niall chuckle at the boys words."Probably. Depending if you like Zayn in that way. I'm sure your still confused about your sexuality Marcel, just let faith take it's course." Niall said has Marcel just nodded.

He was never dated anyone even a girl nor boy he's been single all his life, sadly a virgin but he wanted to keep it for someone special to take it not some one night stand. He thought it's because the way he looked and acted around them making him think they don't want him,wanting to get away from him like a disease.

"Oh, are you sure? Like do you even have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Marcel ponder.


"Then how would you know?" He cut him off.

"I wasn't finished. No I don't have a girlfriend nor boyfriend. I have a husband, married for three years now." Niall said opening up. "He's very handsome and we plan on adopting a child."

"Is it my turn to write down on what you say now." Marcel joked making Niall bursted into laughter and so did he.

"Funny Marcel, but I'm telling you the truth, I'll introduce you two someday. Yeah?"

"Okay." Marcel looked at the time. "I got to go home before Zayn shows up for tutoring. Bye Niall." Marcel waved off and rushed out the room and bumped into someone in the hall making him squeak in surprise.

"S-sorry." Smoke. The smell hit his nose making him look up to see Zayn, his face hard and his lips straight has a ruler making look angry. "Z-Zayn-"

"Shut it! I'm not in the fucking mood!"he shouted making Marcel get up and move away from Zayn feeling the anger radiation off of him.

"Zayn.. a-are you oka-"


"ZAYN!" Niall shouted hearing the argument between him and Marcel. "Office now! Marcel go home and get some rest." Niall order making Marcel nod and rush out leaving the two behind.

What's wrong with him? Did I do something to him?

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Niall spat has he slammed the door to his office. Zayn just pace back and forth in the room tugging his hair roughly.

Smoke... I need a smoke.

He grabbed his pack of cigarettes seeing it was empty and cursed at himself for not buying any on the way over here. I need a hit.

"I need it."

"Your not going out to get high Zayn, sit down. " Niall said calmly.

"No! I need the hit!" Zayn was shaking by now he needed the drug bad and the only way to stop wanting it was his cigarette but he was empty on that.

"Fuck Zayn! You can't go back after years of getting better for her your just going to throw it away just because of some fucking cigarette!" He screamed his face full red has Zayn just gave him some crazy eye look.

Zayn just shook his head."Well that fucking cigarette helps me not want it you idiot! Ether I go buy that or hit a needle into the arm, your my shrink so help me god go buy me some!" Zayn was on a nervous break down. Marcel. "SHIT!"

"What now?"

"Marcel..I scared him. I promise I wouldn't hurt him. FUCK!" Zayn kept cursing under his breath wanting to punch something or himself for yelling at Marcel scaring the poor boy half to death. "Take me to his place. "

"Are you off your bonkers? You scared the kid to death I'll be surprise if he wants to be near you at all." Zayn shot a death glare at Niall but he just shrugged it off like nothing. "Don't look at me like that. You know it's true." He's right.

Zayn sigh sitting on the couch. "Please, I need to know if he's okay."

"You like him."


"Don't what me, you like the kid it's not hard to figure it out Zayn. Knowing you ,you would just stay here till I got you em' cancer sticks. "

"Doesn't mean I like the kid. He's not my type." Zayn shot back making Niall scoff.

"That's totally bullshit, stop telling yourself that you know it's true you'll see. " Niall cocked his eyebrow has Zayn just shook his still needing to get a fix or a damn cigarette! "C'mon you ass." Niall grabbed his keys.

"Where we going?"

"Getting your stupid cancer sticks and Marcel dimwit. "

"You know for a therapies your really not helping."

"Well I'm not perfect so sorry to disappoint you." Zayn just chuckle shaking his head has Niall gave him a cheese look. "Besides I think you two can bring the bad and good in each other."

"How would you know?"

"Faith will take it's path and I'm sure it's doing one hell of a job." He said sarcastic.

Maybe faith is what they need...

AN: hi!! How are you liking this book so far?

Please check out my new book Tomorrow never dies and it's a paranormal kinda book I guess but it mean the world if you did!!

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Thank you -Z.Z

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