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°Two Weeks Later°

"How's Chicago?" Gemma asked as Marcel wiped his tears from his cheeks.

He missed her so much hearing hee voice for the first time was weight off his shoulders. He actually forgot what she looked and sounds like. He hated lying to her on where he actually was but Dom said it was for their protection.

"It's good, way different from the uk though." He sniffles as he looked at the man who held up five fingers for him to hurry up.

"How are you? I really miss you Gem." He asked turning around to look at the people walking along side the sidewalk selling fruit and other foods.

Gemma sighs. "Good, collage is annoying, wish you were here to write my essays." She jokes making Marcel laugh slightly. "I love you Marcy, be safe tell Zayn I said hi."

"Will do, love you Gem." He said.

Marcel gasp as the man tugged the phone away from him roughly making him whimper. He hated this man he had with him to watch over on what he does every second of the day.

"What is your problem!" He spits "could have gotten us caught you dimwit." He bumps shoulders with Marcel who just looked down at his shoes.

Marcel walked behind the man slowly getting into the car as he drove back to the out house where he lives with Zayn and Artemis not to far from the gangs hide out.

The man sigh noticing how Marcel looked sad. "I'm sorry kid, I had to be strict Dom will have my head if they find us again." The man spoke as Marcel nods understanding.

“Names Rodriguez, I'm technically not part of Doms gang but we got together to expand," he explain. "Zayn ,I met that kid and saw the youth he had till he was pressured to do drugs, glad he stopped."

The car came to a stop having Rodriguez step out at open Marcel's door leading him to the door way just like Zayn ordered. Once inside he sees a man with wide eyes and hair up to his neck looking at Rodriguez and Marcel.

"Hey Dawson," Rodriguez acknowledge the man who was the ring leader of another gang that Rodriguez mentioned to Marcel. "This is Zayns boyfriend." He points to the boy as he left to the backyard.

Dawson looked at the boy up and down who was actually scared out of his mind. He didn't know Dawson or even thought there was another gang involved with Zayn and Dominic.

"Zayn boyfriend? I didn't know that kid rolled that way, well it's nice to meet you." He pats his tense shoulder as he takes out a phone.

"Where is Zayn?" He asked nervously not sure if he can trust this man or not.

Dawson looked to normal to be a gang leader. He looked like someone you see at a tattoo shop getting inked or giving ink and not a killer.

Dawson shrugged. "I've been looking for him as well, he didn't tell me or Rodriguez where he was going." Marcel nods going upstairs to his room and not come out till Zayn returned.

Marcel locks the door turning around to see the baby in her crib still asleep as the guard dog growls but soon stops noticing Marcel as she laid back down. "Good girl." He mumbles heading to the bathroom.

Glasses and Cigarettes {Zarcel}✔Where stories live. Discover now