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Check out my new Calum Hood ff "Imaginary Friend"



School was hell for everyone the finals were coming and everyone was in a panic to study especially Zayn. He's gone to Marcel's apartment and studied around the clock not really kissing or touching Marcel like he usually did which made Marcel upset cause he missed telling the boy to stop and hit him when he would squeeze his bum.

Its Saturday and there is fifty five school days till the test and Zayn is panicking, he did not want to be in the same English class with juniors and probably sophomores but he had Marcel to help him and pass and graduate, the perks of having a smart boyfriend to help you.

"You need a break."

"No, I need to study."

"You sound just like me now."

"True, but I need to study cause I need to pass English babe." Zayn kissed Marcel cheek.

Marcel groan and grabbed the book to the floor and placed himself on Zayn lap. "Don't even, " Marcel said sternly when Zayn began to smirk thinking he was about to get some but sadly he wasn't. "You need to stop, relax a bit, it's Saturday let's go do something fun." He suggested.

"Like what? I'm pretty sure the group is smoking weed or working."

"Have you even called them?"

"Nope and-what are you doing?" Zayn asked hearing tapping sound coming from behind him. "Are..are you on my phone? How did you unlock it?"

"Who puts their name has a password?"

"Uh me?" Zayn said sassy taking the phone seeing Marcel grouped messaged Calum, Michael, James and Alison. "They all said their free." He groan

"What's wrong babe?" Zayn heart flutter. Marcel never called him babe only by his first name and when he calls him babe it's like he's in the clouds.

"I just have a hair appointment today and I can't miss it."

"Just text them to meet you at your hair appointment I'm sure it won't take long." Marcel smiles. "Why do you have a hair appointment? I love your long hair it's sexy!" He tuggs Zayn hair making him moan.

"Oh God! I did not mean for that to happen." Zayn laughed and Marcel blushed hiding his face in his hands.

Slowly Zayn took his hands away from his face and kissed his lips and Marcel gladly kissed back whimpering softly when Zayn sucked on his bottom lip.

"No sex inside this apartment!" Gemma screamed making Zayn and Marcel jump at her loudness. "Those are new sheets and do you know how hard it is to get the smell of sex off?" She comments.

"I wouldn't know, cause we aren't having sex Gemma!" Marcel was annoyed by his sister and wanted to die cause she's always up his business.

"But there is a chance."

"Not till he's eighteen and ready," Zayn told Gemma. "Besides he's to sweet to do anything dirty." He winked making Marcel blush.

"Gross, well I'm going out with Rachael and Victor so you can stay over at Zayns since I'm gonna go guy scoping." She wiggled her eyebrows.

Soon all three left and going to their destination and everyone met at the hair salon exactly at Zayns appointment. Marcel would tug at Zayn long hair making him groan or Zayn would try to bite his fingers which he was very unsuccessful.

Calum decided to get a hair cut nothing much with a small blonde streak in his hair. "Remind you of anyone Zayn?" Calum teased.

"Yeah my dead dogs ass," he groan "move it Hood." Calum rolled his eyes and sat next to Marcel.

"You should get a hair cut, your hair has a lot of split ends." Calum looked at the damaged hair.

"Yeah dude, just a clean trim." James added.

Marcel shook his head. "Cant afford it." He smiled sadly looking down and Zayn noticed.

"Baby sit over there I'll pay for it." He smiled.

"You sure? I don't want you wasting your money on me."

"Marcel be grateful he spends money on you ,asshole wouldn't give me a quarter for the gumball machine." Alison snorted at Michael comment. "She's laughing cause she knows it's true." He frown tugging her ponytail.

"Fucking-I wish I was the only twin."

"Same here sister."

Zayn ignore the two and told a lady to work on Marcel hair and not to cut all of it just to give it a trim and a wash so it would look good for his look. A lady with green hair begin to cut Zayns hair off and wash him off and got a small cup full of purple liquid and placed it on Zayn hair and making sure it was in his roots and put a hair net. "Don't touch it for 2 hours." She patted his shoulder.

"Thanks Erica."

The lady who cut Marcel hair came to Zayn with a smile. "Ready to see your boy new look?"

"You didn't make him bald, did you?" James asked making her turn and skull at him.

"No, but I can make your pretty hair go away." She promised and James shut up. "Now close you eye's he wanted it to be a surprise." And Zayn did. He heard a bit of shuffling noises and gasp from his friends. "Open!"

Zayn open to see curly hair shining like brand new. No gel, no split ends nada! Marcel was blushing cause Zayn was practically drooling right in front of him. "Damn baby, I didn't know you had curly hair?"

"Well now you do." Marcel said shyly. "Never liked it so I kept them tamed." He joked.

"Well I love them, and should keep them untamed cause there perfect like you." He said placing Marcel in his lap and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm sorta jealous." Alison spoke. "A boy has prettier hair than me." She jokes.

"Maybe if you stop dying it ,it would be pretty." Michael snorted.

"Said the one going bald."

"Take that back!"

Its 1:11am in Texas and I have school in 4 hours I'm such a rebel lmao.. but seriously I wanted to get this chapter up mostly some of you are asleep or awake like me Lol.

Check out my Calum Hood book "Imaginary Friend" it's new and I hope you like it give it a vote and drop a comment please.

Thank you ^Z.Z^

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