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Enjoy my little sexy mofos.



Marcel cringe at the sound of his sister and her boyfriend fighting. Always at each others throats ready to rip each others heads off.He bite his bottom lip softy has he watched the two bickering about how they have no money and how there is no food in the kitchen, sometimes Marcel thinks it's his fault for them fighting over small things but his sister says it's not that it's her boyfriend who won't get his lazy ass up and look for a job. Marcel would laugh or smile at his sisters words but lately he's been lacking that.

"You know what?" Scott; Gemma boyfriend said.

"What?" She gritted her teeth has she slit her eyes has looks can kill.

"I'm leaving, have fun paying for this shit of an apartment by yourself you fucking bitch!" He seethed grabbing his coat and leaving the apartment with a loud echo of the door slamming shut.

Gemma let out a sigh sitting on the couch rubbing her face in tiredness and frustration letting a few tears slip but quickly wiping them away seeing that Marcel was looking at her in hurt and guilt.

"It's my fault you two are like this." He said making gemma look up at him to see he was staring back at her his eyes full of tears. "Maybe I should go." He said quickly making Gemma move from her spot and wrap her arms around her little brother who was crying softly into her shoulder as she tries to calm him.

"It's not your fault Marcy, if Scott wasn't a lazy prick and went to find a job we wouldn't be fighting. This has gone way before you showed up." She said running her hands in his un-gel hair .

"So I was juat extra weight of problems being dumped on you with your other problems." Marcel pulled away looking into his sisters eyes has he try to read her but he got nothing.

Gemma sigh."Your not extra weight,your family. If mum-"

"Please don't." He cut her off not wanting to hear the past of darkness that his memory held always a nightmare when he fell asleep, reliving the past like a old film.

"Sorry." She said. "Go to bed, it's getting late." She kiss her brother temple has she got up and went to bed but to be follow by her brother flowing her like a lost puppy.

She looked at him in curiously of what he's doing. "Can I sleep with you?" He blushed lightly has she just smile and nodded.

Soon both lay together like when they were younger always smiling and goofing around but that wasn't happening tonight. It was totally different now. It was quiet only sound was Gemma breathing and the ticking of the clock on the wall. Soon Marcel was asleep.

"I told you Malik, to fuck off!"

"Well Tomlinson, I don't give a fuck what you say. You can't keep me away from her. You know she's mine and I have the right to see her!" Zayn spat at the blue eye boy.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Yeah I know she's yours but you fucked that up by leaving and showing up a few months later. You had your chance Zayn. Now leave before I call the cops,knowing your hitting it up again. " Louis smirked has Zayn just glared at him.

"I stopped, that's why I left. To get better for her." Louis scoffed at him.

"Once a drug addict always a drug addict. Stop making a fool of yourself and leave before I actually call the cops to arrest your sorry ass." With that Louis slam the door in Zayn face making him groan and kick the door before leaving.

The twilight sky was up showing the stars glowing bright has the lamp post light up the streets that Zayn walked on finding his way to his apartment seeing some neighbors argue over the loud ruckus that the lady's children make. Stepping in the small cramped space he headed to the kitchen, beer bottles scattered has ashes of his cigarettes mindlessly sit on the counter waiting to be moved. His apartment was a mess.

His life was a mess.

Opening the beer he had gotten and chug it down letting a few drops fall down his chin has he just laid on the couch; thinking.


He never really thinks unless it's important to, trying to figure a way of how to see her, but Louis won't let him do that. He needed a way. Niall wasn't any help telling him to confronte the lad at his house asking to see her one last time, but yet again Louis had to right to do so knowing how Zayn became violent and angry about everything. But Zayn was getting better.

"Soon..." he slurred has he looked at the picture of her seeing her smile and the glint of happiness in her hazel eyes. Soon he was drifted off to sleep.
A/N:  Sorry if short and boring but I had to add some drama seeing they both have different problems. Comment if you know what's going on with Marcel and Zayn.

Thank you *Z*Z*

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