Chapter 16: Confrontations

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Okay, i'm not going to update for a while until everybody is caught up with these. I updated three times and I gotta focus on the new book as well. For the next chapter, Comment read, and vote.
I stood there dumb founded. There was a way he could save me but why would he want to? I mean really. Like he would care.
"What do you mean?" I asked. I thought this was complete and utter bullshit.

"My witch thinks she can save your life."
Thinks? So there may be a chance that she can't.
"Thinks?" I ask. Klaus nodded that there might only be a chance and he didn't know how good the odds are. Well I guess it was worth a shot but I also needed to prepare myself. I needed to prepare myself at the fact that it was likely that I could actually be gone for good.
"What are the odds of me living?" I asked.
"50-50 love but I am putting my faith in this as should you."
I shook my head.

"I still don't trust you and I don't like you."
"You don't have to like me or trust me."
I nodded my head in agreement.
"You're going to kill my best friend and I in a sacrifice. The least you could do is take me home."
Klaus chuckled and I even smiled a bit. I didn't like him in fact I hated him but there was something about him. His charm maybe?
Klaus showed me out of the woods and into his car. It was a nice sports car and it screamed Klaus. Doesn't surprise me, after the years the money just piles.
It was a silent and awkward drive to my house as in NOT the boarding house. I knew that was where Elena was staying and I really did not feel like dealing with her.

Klaus came to a stop by my house.
"I hope you know that possibly saving my life and driving me home does not change anything."
I got out of the car.
"Understood. Good night, love."
"Night Klaus."
I slammed the door shut and unlocked my front door. I closed it and then I locked it. All of a sudden I got all these messages and voicemails. I guess I didn't have service in the woods.
I read the texts that were mostly from Damon and there was one from Elena.
Damon were mostly him yelling at me to tell me where I was and Elena said that she was worried. Worried my ass. She didn't give a damn about me.
Anyway, I walked over to the kitchen and turned the light on. I squealed when I saw a person but calmed down when I saw it was only Damon.
I put my hand to my chest.
"You scared the hell out of me."
He smirked knowing he succeeded in scaring me almost to death.
"Why aren't you at the boarding house?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at his stupid question because he already knew the answer.
"Why aren't you?" I mocked.
He nodded his head.
I smiled a bit while putting a hot pocket in the microwave. God those things were great.
"So, how's Elena?" I asked.
He seemed mad when I brought up Elena. Probably for the same reason as I am.
"Oh you know, ecstatic that she'll be living. Stefan the same."
I took my hot pocket out of the microwave and then slammed it shut. I may have done it too hard.
I narrowed my eyes at Damon because his comments were not helping my mood.
"Elena always has to play the victim. Meanwhile, I am going through the same thing."
"Sucks doesn't it."
I nodded my head as I took my first bite.

"It's always about Elena. Everything has been. When her parents died, she was a mess but my parent died like a few weeks ago. No one cared when my Dad died. No one gave a Damn!" I shouted.
Damon rubbed my back in support.
I finished my hot pocket as Damon sat back calling Stefan that I was found.
"I'm going to bed," I said.
Damon hung up and smiled deviously.
"Can I come?" He asked.
I giggled when his face dropped. Boy he was not expecting that. He sprung up out of his seat.
"I didn't say we were having sex, calm down."
Just then he got really down like when a parent says no ice cream. Sometimes he really was a kid. I walked up the stairs as did Damon and we walked up to my room. I got under the covers in my sweatpants and tank that I was wearing like all day. Damon started to unbutton his pants and take off his shirt.
"Cover up," I said while covering my eyes.
"Well you wanted to see me naked so."
I scoffed.
"I never said that!" I shouted.
"Don't you wish you did," he said.
I felt something around me and I realized he was holding me in his arms. I laid on his chest as my eyes became droopy and my breathing slowed.
I felt soft lips on my forehead.
"Good night, Brooklyn."

Time skip

I woke up alone and saw a note lying on the side of my bed where Damon had slept.

Dear Brooklyn,
Left in the middle of the night to go feed. Had a great time.


I got up and got ready. For breakfast I had a lazy bowl of cereal which was actually pretty good. It felt nice to be home but it also made me really sad. Last night I was too tired to think about all the people who lived here. My parents were gone leaving me alone. I lost a lot and now I was alone. I decided to go upstairs into my mom and dads room. I smelled my moms perfume that my dad always had out. He loved her and I don't think either one of us got over her death. Now I have two deaths to mourn.
   A stray tear rolled down my face.
"Well this is depressing," a voice said that I knew as Damon's.
He took my hand and dragged me away from the room, closing the door on his way out.
"You shouldn't torture yourself. They wouldn't want that." I knew who he mean't when he said "they". I also knew that he was right.
    "What brings you here?" I asked. Damon never just stops by.
   "You know me so well."
I gave him a long stare knowing he was avoiding the whole point of this conversation.
"Fine but you aren't going to like it. Klaus paid a visit." I froze hearing the name but then I wondered what he wanted.

"He wants to me with us. At the boarding house. In fact he's waiting."
I already knew what this is about. But seriously, why does he always have to show up and interfere with my life.
I got in the car and we raced over there. Klaus was waiting by the front door staring at us. I saw Damon's jaw harden and I knew he tensed up. His guard was up and he was prepared for everything. So was I.
"Klaus. I wish I could say I was happy to see you."
"Hurts, love."
I knew Damon was glaring at him and I couldn't help but sense some jealousy.
Klaus saw it as well.
"Now mate, wouldn't want your face to freeze like that."
Damon had a scowl and I could tell he was angry but it was kinda hot.
Damon walked over by me putting his hand around my waist. I smiled and blushed knowing he was trying to show dominance around Klaus. Klaus started to get jealous and that's when I knew he had a thing for me. That's why he's trying to save me yet he's too selfish to stop the sacrifice. Although he's been planning this for centuries.
We walked into the old boarding house and I saw Elena and Stefan getting it on on the couch.
"Guy! That's where we sit," Damon shouted as Elena and I made eye contact.
   She had no trace of guilt in her eyes just a blank face as she stared at me. I narrowed my eyes into slits as I felt the rage and betrayal flood back. I looked at Stefan and saw lack of remorse. I guess I should re evaluate my friends.
"Well now, shall we talk?" Klaus said. He wasn't going to take no for as answer and sat down on the love seat.
I sat down with Damon on the couch while Stefan and Elena stood behind. My brother came in and sat by me once he saw Klaus. He reacted the same way as Damon minus the jealousy.
"Elena will die in the sacrifice and I will kill anybody who stands in my way, yes? Now for Brooklyn, I have a way that I can save you."
He let that sink in and I looked over at Elena who looked jealous.
"What?" She asked with some attitude.
"Sorry, love."
"Why? Why are you trying to save her?" She asked.
I felt hurt by her sudden outrage and I stood up.
"Shut the hell up Elena! Not everything is about you!" I shouted then plopped back down my seat. I felt no remorse. This friendship was tipping over the edge and soon to be gone.
I could hear a small sob and I rolled my eyes focusing on Klaus who seemed to be amused.
"I have a witch who can spell you for 72 hours and if you happen to die in those 72 hours, you will come back to life."
I nodded my head in agreement.
"The sacrifice will happen in precisely a week. Just so you know. Don't do anything dumb or there will be hell to pay. Goodbye everybody. Goodbye Brooklyn."
I smiled at his special goodbye in acknowledgment. Damon tightened his grip on my hand. "Well theres that," Damon said happily. He was happy that Klaus had a way to save me only that there was a chance it wouldn't work. He did not know that part.
"Can we talk?" Elena said shakily. I rolled my eyes. She walked into the kitchen and turned around looking at me.
"I'm sorry."
I scoffed.
"Seriously, it was-"
I interrupted her.
"Spare me the humble apology. Say what's really on your chest."
I wanted to hear the truth.
She took a breath.
"Fine. I wanted the elixir and I was happy to have it. I would have took it even if you wanted it. I didn't care. I'm not sorry."
I nodded my head.
"Consider this friendship over."
I walked away leaving for my house.
I looked at Stefan and flipped him both of the birdies then headed out.
Damon followed behind him. We both set out for my house and then I realized a bag in the bag. A suitcase.
"Oh yeah. I'm staying at your place."

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