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Sarah's P.O.V

I sat up gasping for air. Why did I have that dream? I wiped the sweat that was dripping off my forehead with my hand. I turned my head looking at the clock. 6:27 A.M.

Today's Friday, the girls have a doctor's appointment today at 8:30. I sighed yawning rubbing the tiredness out of my brown eyes.

I got up out of my warm comfortable bed and walked downstairs to get coffee. I smelled bacon? I hurried to the kitchen and I smiled. Aiden was making eggs, bacon, and toast. "Morning?" I said walking towards the stove, grabbing an piece of bacon, taking a bite out of the juicy, greasy, delicious, food. "Hey! Don't eat it yet!" I laughed as he tried to slap it out of my hand.

"Your sisters are probably hungry call them down since I just want some c-"

He handed me a cup of coffee. "Coffee, I know." I kissed the top of his head.

"Girls! Come down for food!" I screamed up the stairs. "Get off of it!"

"It's mine!" I heard them fighting I walked up the stairs and saw them fighting over a picture? Of what?

"Hey! Stop you two!" I yelled pulling them apart leaving the picture with Hailey. "Give me the god damn picture!" Hailey whined. "But-!"

"Give. It. Now!" She stomped and handed me the picture. I looked down at the picture and tears filled my eyes. It was a picture of Derek and I, we looked so happy. He was smiling the first time he ever smiled in a picture. "Where did you get this?" My voice cracked. "I found it." Hannah said. "No I d-!"

"Stop it! This is mine! This was in the box, that I told you guys." I pointed at them. "To never open," They looked sad. "What else did you take?" I asked, my voice softened. Hannah walked into their room and walked out with a shirt and couple of pictures. She gave me the stuff, "Girls please go downstairs and eat, I'll be down in a couple of minutes." They both rushed down.

I walked to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I slid down the door, crying silently. I looked at the black grey shirt Derek wore all the time, pictures of us and him. No! Stop! You can't cry you left him! He didn't leave you!


"In." Dr. Andrew's said. "Out." She was checking Hailey's breathing she already checked Hannah but was taking longer on Hailey for some reason.

Dr. Andrew's sighed, "It seems like Hailey is wheezing, it's common when you have a cold but, she is wheezing badly." I nodded. But how? Isn't she a werewolf? "What are you going to do about it?" I asked.

"I am going to prescribe a inhaler for when she is having a hard time breathing. You take a deep breath when you puff the inhaler, hold breath for ten seconds and repeat as needed." Hailey didn't even look at me or the doctor as she spoke, she was acting weird.

"Besides that, the girls are good," I smiled and she handed me a paper, the prescription.


"I'm thinking of calling your uncle." I spoke to the kids as we sat in the living room. "Really?" I nodded, they all smiled. I never talked about or talked to my family to the kids.

"Since summer is over and you guys started school," I sighed. "We are going to Beacon Hil-"

"Yesss! Yay!" The girls cheered jumping up and down excitedly. "But wait!" I yelled making them stop and look at me. "Only for 2 weeks." Hailey groaned, as Hannah smiled.

Aiden on the other hand had his arms crossed and looked upset. "I'm not going." He said. "Aiden, you have to!" The girls screamed. "Dad is there!"

He stood up pushing Hailey down. "Hey!" I yelled. "That's why I don't want to go!" He stormed up the stairs.

I helped Hailey up and told them to go to their room while I talked to Aiden.

I knocked on his door, "Go away,"

I walked in sitting on the edge of his bed where he was. "Aiden don't act like this."

"Don't act like what!" He stood up in front of me. "You're getting mad Aiden, you need to calm down." My eyes widened when Aiden. My son. Growled. At ME! "Aiden you need to breath slowly." I stood up walking away from him. He growled again. "Don't make me do what I have to do Aiden!" I yelled.

His eyes flashed bright yellow. I knew what I had to do.

My eyes turned the grey color, my nails got sharper, ears pointed, and the hair on the side of my face grew out for the first time in years.


I roared.


Hey guys! Very short chaper but I promise the next one is going to be very long. So, their going back to Beacon Hills. Aiden changed for the first time and Sarah transformed for the first time in years!

Love you guys!

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