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I groaned raising my hand, shakly up to my head feeling a bump. I opened my brown, tired, red eyes looking around.

"What happ- oh my God! Aiden? Hannah, Hailey!" I yelled weakly. Tears flooded my eyes when I didn't get a response.

I cried getting up, using the couch for support.

I walked slowly holding on to anything to get upstairs. I cried and cried, sobbing uncontrollably.

I took a deep breath as I reached the kids bedrooms.

Aiden's was first.

Nothing. Aiden wasn't in his room.

Hannah and Hailey's room. My hand reached for the knob, turning the handle.

The door opened reveling, Nothing. I fell to my knees as they gave out. I covered my face.

Why? Why didn't they take me instead! "Give them back!" I yelled to the ceiling.

My head shot up as I heard a groan. "Mom?" I wiped my tears and ran to the bathroom and gasped. "Oh, my god! Hailey!" She was laying on the tile floor with blood surrounding her body. I slide down next to her.

"Mommy?" I nodded brushing her hair out of her face. "Yeah baby. It's okay. It-it's okay." She stared up at me gasping for air.

"Where did they hurt you?" She shakly pointed to her stomach. I pulled up her shirt and closed my eyes.

A huge gash was bleeding heavily. "I l-love you m-m." I shushed her and brought her into my lap, rocking her back and forth crying.

"Honey, I'm s-so so-sorry! I should've fought back more!" She stopped me. "Save them mom." I nodded. "Tell dad that e-even though I-i d-d-didn't know him, that I lo-love hi-him." I nodded kissing her head over and over again.

I held her and held her till she took her last breathe. "No! Wake up!"

"No!" I cried shaking her shoulders.

"No.. my baby girl. My baby girl is gone." I whispered before the police rushed upstairs.


"Miss. Hale. What happened?" I stared blankly at the white walls in front of me as I sat in the hospital bed.

I'm so numb. I just can't talk or do anything. I just can't.

"Who attacked your family? And took two of your children." The officer sighed rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"Miss. Ha-"

"Don't call me Miss Hale!" I shouted. He was taken back but stood up. "I'm Sarah!" I yelled. "Not Hale!"

"Well Sarah you need to calm down you have 5 broken ribs, a fractured wrist, dislocated shoulder, and black eye from fighting back the attacker." Tears fell down my face quietly.

"I don't care! All I want is my kids! I want my children back!" I cried shaking badly.

The nurse injected me with a needle and I went to sleep even though I didn't want to.

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