|Bonus Chapter|

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Sarah's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered opened to the bright sunlight shinning through our bedroom window.

I turned hear the wonderful sounds of Derek deep breaths. I lifted my naked self and started to trial kisses from his torso up to his mouth. His mouth moved against mine as he woke up and realized I was kissing him.

"Happy 27th birthday." He groaned. "I'm so old." I giggled laying my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"You're not old. I mean you have three wonderful kids and another one coming, you have a lot of children for your age and that's a good thing. And your married, have a home, Derek you have a lot for your age." His hands moved to my huge belly and rubbed softly. "Yeah you're right."

"I'm always right." He chuckled before kissing my head.

I sat up quickly and got up running to the bathroom. I got on my knees, putting my head over the toilet and emptied the contents that were in my stomach into the toilet.

"Shouldn't you be done with morning sickness by now. I mean you're due in one month." Derek grabbed my robe and my clothes for me to change into. "Some pregnancies are different. Some woman don't even have morning sickness. Others like me, have it threw out the whole pregnancies." He helped me put on the clothes and handed me a toothbrush and we both brushed our teeth.

After we were done Derek put on some shorts and a T-shirt and went downstairs.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Our three children ran towards us and hugged Derek first. Hailey and Hannah were in his arms as Aiden gave him a quick hug before hugging me, and I kissed his head full of black hair.

"Happy Birthday daddy!" The girls both yelled. I smiled resting my head on Derek's shoulder and stare at the twins as they played with their fathers face laughing happily when Derek was making faces at them.

"I'll be right back with one of your presents..." I whispered in his ear. I kissed his cheek and the girls before he nodded.

I walked downstairs yo the basement and grabbed the bag and walked right back up.

"Okay. Okay girls please get off your father so he can open up all the gifts you guys all got him." They smiled and got off as I handed the bag to him and sat down because I wasn't feeling to well.

I closed my eyes rubbing my belly softly. My next surprise was going to be the gender reveal for Derek. Aiden is going to help me with that at the party Derek is going to have in his old loft.

"Mommy, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to Hannah staring straight at me with her big brown eyes. I nodded. "I'm just not feeling well honey. Watch your father open his presents." She frowned but did as I told.

I held my breath as a sharp pain flooded my lower abdomen. I breathed out slowly trying not to pull the attention towards me.

"Honey? Hey are you alright?" I smiled up at Derek. "Yeah I'm fine just-" I closed my eyes again as another sharp pain came along.

"You are not fine Sarah. Are you in labor?" I nodded biting my lip. "I'm sorry Derek." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would you be sorry?"

"Your birthday is ruined now be- Ah! Crap!" I yelled clutching the couch.

"Okay just breathe slowly I'm going to get your bag and we will leave as soon as possible." I stared into Derek's green eyes and smiled.

Knowing that I'll be okay but Derek still doesn't know that we're having triplets.


My eyes rolled as Derek fluffed up my pillows, and covered me up with a big blanket. "Derek." His head shot up. I laughed softly. "Are you okay?" I asked making Derek sit down next to me.

The kids were in the waiting with my brother, and father, so Derek and I were alone.

"It's just, four kids..." He muttered. "That's a lot of children." Should I tell him now?

"Hey Derek, honey?" He looked to the side leaning back on my pillow. "Do you want more kids?" He nodded. "Yes, of course I do! I want a huge family, just like how mine was." Hid eyes showed sadness. I went forward and kissed his jawline.

I smirked. "Well, I've been keeping two things from you, and it's been really hard." He gave me a confused look. "We're having girls." He raised his eyebrows shooting up. "We're having a girl?" I guess he didn't catch my hint. I nodded but grabbed his hand pulling him back down. "And a boy." His smile stopped and he turned slowly to face me. "We're about to have 7 children." All the color drained from my husband's face. He got up and took a couple steps back. "Th-three?" He said swaying side to side. "Derek? Si-" then his body fell to the ground. "Derek!" I yelled laughing. I removed the blanket and got down. I opened the door and asked for help.

A nurse came in smiled. "New father?" I shook my head 'no' laughing. "We're about to have seven children!" She sat Derek up. "I'm going to get him a bed, and hook an IV up on him. Give him some fluids." I nodded laughing but groaned as a contraction started.

Another nurse brought in a bed and IV bag. They put Derek up on the bed and put the IV in his arm. "Damn." I hissed in pain.

My hospital gown was huge on me. My shoulders were bare, since the gown was hanging off my shoulders. I rested my head against the bed. I was still standing up cause it hurt to lay back down.

"Mrs. Hale?" I looked up seeing my doctor. "Hi, Sarah. How's the triplets doing?" She asked, I gave her a thumbs up. She looked over to Derek and laughed. "What happen to him?"

"He fainted after I told him I was having three babies." She smiled and walked over to Derek. "He should be up right now," She listened to his heart, and looked at his blood pressure. "Has he been checked for his apendix?" I said 'no' then sighed when the contraction was over.

She felt his side, lifting up his shirt. Then all of a sudden, he gasped and woke up. "Ah, shit!" He swore. Then looked around seeing he was in a bed. "Why am I in a hospital bed?"

"Why are you touching my side." She then pushed down again and he groaned. "Stop."

"I'm sorry to say this but, Mr. Hale, you have to get your apendix removed." His eyes widened looking at me. "No, my wife is about to give birth. I can't miss that."

I walked over to Derek and pushed back his hair which was on his forehead sticking to the sweat. "It's, okay Derek. You won't miss the birth of our children." He stared at me. "If I miss this, I'm so sorry Sarah." I kissed his forehead and smiled. "I love you." I said.

"I love you and them." He said before three nurses came in and wheeled him away, but not before our eyes met.

Hey guys! Here it is love you!

Follow me on musical.ly @ aquinten!

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