IV. Family Talks Are Just Awkward

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The children had already left us already when the sun reached it summit, the peak of its mountainous adventure in the sky. Though it hung there, like a king over the puny mortals, its heat wasn't enough to melt the vast whiteness that covered our land.

Simon and I were sitting on the swing, talking about random stuffs like ice cream cakes, cats and cookie dough. We were talking about the feline spawn of Hades.

'Meh,' I snorted. 'I hate them. Acts like they're the centre of the whole bloody universe and shit.'

'You made it sound like cats are conceited,' he protested.

I raised an eyebrow. 'Aren't they?'

He thought about it for a moment. 'Maybe, your right,' he noted, 'but that's what cats are. Andbutso people adore cats because they are the king of sassiness. You can't help but love sassiness.'

'What makes you say that?'

'I like you,' he proclaimed bluntly, 'and that proves my point because you, sir, are sassiness on foot.'

I blushed wildly from his proclamation. H-he likes me? Me? Well what a coincidence then. I like him. He likes me. We could hit it off right? Be boyfriends and be happy.

Except that it won't last. Simon's sick. He has a freaking stage four cancer! There is a time before that he wasn't in my life and there will also come a time that he will leave, for good. He will be on a place that no one has entered and returned. He will leave me.

I pursed my lips. Even if Simon and I would actually be boyfriends, we would face a horde of problems that would try and rain down on our parade. First he is sick, I am not. He is twenty-three, I am seventeen, that would be wrong in the eyes of British law. And he would be staying here in Belfast, I'll be back in London to resume my classes.

And then there is also Dad. The look on his face, the way his hazel eyes hardened and his lips were pursed. Dad wasn't homophobic; he was the first one to accept me with open arms when I came out two years ago. But I think he won't be accepting of us due to the same reason I've stated in the last paragraph.

'Hey,' Simon said, interrupting my thoughts. 'Is there something wrong?'

I shook my head. 'N-nothing.'

He didn't buy it though. He just gave me a look, and I gave him another one, challenging him to retaliate. Of course, being the army captain he was, he did.

'Oh, fuck,' I huffed, poking him with my bow. 'You just had to take the bait, didn't you?'

He laughed. 'Hmmm.'

My phone abruptly buzzed on my pants pocket, Fur elise playing. Simon looked at me for a moment and then I excused myself, walking a few feet away from the swing set. I fished out my phone and saw that it was Dad who was calling me.

'Yeah?' I said. There was some shuffling and the PA system of the hospital. I looked up and saw the faint outline of Dad looking through the glass window of his office.

'Are you two still on the playground?' he asked.

'Dad,' I sighed exasperatedly. 'You are basically stalking us. You should know the answer.'

His figure never left the window. 'That was a trick question.'

'Uh-huh. What do you want?' I demanded.

'You have to go home and help Gran for the dinner tonight,' he said. 'And, oh, Kayla's coming there too. She's staying until the day before your break ends.'

I grumbled in displeasure. Great, when I thought I was free from my insufferable younger sister for two freaking weeks, Dad just has to ruin it by dropping the bomb that would surely ruin the aforementioned Kayla-free weeks.

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