XVII. Screaming, Crying, Perfect Storms at Mickey D's

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'Good, you're early.' Uno grinned. 'I guess that leaves us more time for ourselves.'

I stared him with my mouth as wide as a vagina that has been pounded many times. In the text messages Uno said that he would be here by ten. It is still nine. How the hell had he arrived here too early?

Uno just stared at me like he had outsmarted Death itself. He was leaning against his infamous blue Audi. A nerdy glasses was over his eyes. He was wearing blue button up, blue jeans and Converse hi-cuts. This was the nerdiest I have seen him. Actually, he rocked the nerdy appearance, he made it look hot.

'What?' he said. 'Just gonna stare there with your mouth wide open all day?'

I closed said mouth. 'U-Uno? What the hell are you doing here?'

'Picking you up, silly,' he said, his grin still plastered on his lips. 'Didn't I tell you last night?'

'I—I did—no—I didn't—' I said incoherently, completely baffled.

Uno only raised his eyebrows. Some of my neighbours who were currently outside was looking at us—or rather looking at Uno with annoyance. The thing about my neighbourhood is that we remember every single thing that happens in this side of London. That's why they were giving him malicious looks.

Finally I gathered up every single IQ that I have and composed myself. Oh, brilliant, Tris, I thought. Let's try for a complete sentence now, shall we?

'I'm not going anywhere with you,' I said coolly and then proceeded to walk down the pavement towards the nearest bus stop. Uno proved to be stubborn though as the loud thumping of his sneakers draws nearer to me. I grumbled under my breath and walked faster.

But as fate would have it, Uno was greatly taller than I am so naturally he has longer strides. It didn't take him long before he had catch up with me when I was four houses away from mine.

'Come on Tris,' he said. 'I'm just being a nice guy here.'

'Then don't,' I muttered. 'It doesn't suit you quite frankly.'

Uno sighed in frustration as he petulantly kicked a stone and sent it flying towards a fire hydrant. Not a great feat for him because he was in the soccer team too. He slipped his hands inside his pockets, ducking his head low.

'What do I have to do for you to let me drive you?' he asked silently.

'Nothing,' I answered. 'Absolutely nothing. There is nothing that you could do to make me—AH!'

In one swift movement, Uno scooped me up and threw me over his shoulders like I was just a sack of feathers. I was not concerned about that, but I was more concerned of my cello. Did Uno not realised that he could break my cello after what he had done?

'What the hell Uno?' I yelled. All the eyes of our neighbours were on us now. 'You could have broken my cello you shithead!'

Uno ignored me as he walked back towards his car. I was struggling to get away from his hold but he was obviously stronger than I am so all efforts of escaping were in vain. I hate when I read something on books or watch some movies that depicted the smaller (typically the girl protagonist) are whisked off when they least expected it and be carried around like they weigh nothing. I mean height is a sore topic for small people, do tall people have to emphasise it?

Real talk people: Tall chaps should be grateful for the existence of us small ones. We are the reason that they are called tall.

After getting hold of my cello, Uno opened the door of the Audi and slowly put me inside like I'm a toddler who needs assistance in everything I do. That irked me even more.

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