VII. Dad and My Relationship are like sodium and water

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His face broke into huge shit-eating grin then proceeded to pull me into his huge arms, lifting me off the ground. My nose—as well as my face—was pressed tightly against his body, his hard-muscled body against my sorry-excuse-for-a-body one. I can't help but inhale his scent and hear his heartbeat.

'God!' he said, burying himself against the crook of my neck. 'Is it really you?'

I wrapped my arms around his waist. 'Last time I checked, I wasn't part of the Holy Trinity,' I chuckled.

He laughed against my neck, and then hugs me even tighter, as if he was afraid to let me go. Which I knew he was. I know that because I am. Simon Harries has already dug a hole in me where he resides comfortably, and I intend him to for a long, long time.

We remained locked around each other's arms for a moment, wanting to feel each other again after three days of not seeing each other. For the short time that I have known him, I can already say that he is very special to me. I like Simon Harries very, very, very much.

Gosh! Maybe Kayla's right. I do have slutty tendencies...

Speaking of the devil, Kayla coughed loudly, breaking our reverie. She looked at us with a look that is somewhere between amusement and impatience.

'As much as how cute you're little hugging fest is,' she said, 'I think we should go inside. Dad's still walking around the area, and him seeing us—especially you, Tris—together with Mr HottieMcMilitary here would result to our early banishment to London.'

I looked at her then at Simon. His cannula was askew, so I reached up and put it back properly. 'She's right,' I said. 'Dad would castrate me then burn Kayla on a stake if he ever finds out that we were here. And that is the best case scenario.'

'Your father must hate me now, huh?' he mused as he led us inside his room. He motioned for us to have a seat on the bed and we obliged. Simon locked the door before he lugged himself and his oxygen tank towards the bed. He sat beside me, while I sat beside Kayla.

'Well, I don't think so,' I admitted. 'I mean, if he does, he would've probably neglected you or cut off your oxygen supply.'

'Which,' Kayla added, 'would be a tad bit unprofessional and a helluva of lot overrated on his part.'

Simon nodded and looked at me. This is the first time that I can see him look like shit—actually this is the first time that I have seen him look actually like he has a cancer. His blonde hair is a perfect facsimile of a bird's nest, his blue eyes were red-rimmed as if he was just crying, and his face was covered with light stubble.

Call me sadistic or anything, but the sight of Simon being this shitty somewhat gives me pleasure. It lets me know that Simon really cares for me, no matter if his body deteriorates just by thinking of me. Not that I really wanted his body to deteriorate or anything...

He clandestinely laced his big arms around mine and squeezed it tightly. For someone who's terminally ill, his grasp is pretty firm. His head hung low.

'Sorry for ruining your holiday that night,' he apologises, which makes me scowl annoyingly at him.

I pulled up his face, forcing him to look at me in the eyes. 'What are you sorry for?' I asked with an angry vehemence. 'For the record, you didn't ruin my holiday—Dad did. If anything, you are the one who completed it.'

'But--' he began to protest, but I cut him off with a glare.

'Shut up!' I hissed. 'You apologise too much.'

'But--' he began again, and I cut him off with a kiss. I know, I know, it further proves Kayla's infamous theory that I have slutty tendencies, but sue me! This ex-army Captain was getting really annoyingly annoying. And I can't think of any other way to make him shut the hell up.

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