XXI. Tristan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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"Jack n poy, hale, hale hoy! Sino ang matalo siya'ng unggoy," Marco recited excitedly as we shake our fists in the air between us. He was looking smug now as he confidently recited the stupid chant. Truth be told, he has the right to be smug since he's been winning for the past half-hour or so that we've been playing this.

I blame him being a Filipino. We're playing a Filipino game after all.

Ever since Marco had introduced me to Filipino games, I have been addicted to the point that I have become unusually competitive. I have never been like this ever since Toby introduced Uno to me. (The game, not the strapping blonde fellow we have here in school). And the good thing was, in each and every game Marco introduced to me, the loser has to do consequences. And if the loser won't do said consequence, the winner gets to slap the loser.

Ain't it smashing!?

First thing that Marco had introduce was the game called 'tumbang preso'. In the game, the players have to put down the small tin can placed at a respectable distance with a slipper. Once the tin got knocked down, the other players who has thrown a slipper has to catch their slipper before the it can put the tin back to it's position. If that happens, then the other players should make sure that they don't get caught by the it or else it would be doom for them.

When we-Toby, Marco, and I-played it at Toby's vast backyard, I always end up beingthe it. Why you might ask? It's because I suck at running, aiming, and throwing. What can I say? I suck at PE. Even Marco-who's much smaller, much frailer, and much wimpier looking than me--aced it effortlessly.

Again. Blame his Filipino genes.

Next game was the one I had played with Simon on the way back tomy house two days ago. It was called 'pen, pen de sarapen. Though it's much more a game of probability and chance than a game of luck, I was a complete whiz in that game. I am even better than Marco. The match between Marco and I almost ended up with Toby nearly punching me to next week because I kept on beating his precious Marco.

Then there's Jack n poy. It's a filipino variation of rock, paper, scissors plus the chant that sounds like gibberish. Marco keeps on beating me (again) eventhough I am a champion at rock, paper, and scissors.

"At ako ang nagwagi!" sang Marco as he held his hands in the air for a fist bump. He drew a scissor whilst I drew a paper. "See that, Toby? I won! I won!"

"Yeah, yeah," I groused. "No need torub it in, kid."

Toby, who was just watching us amusely everytime Marco beat me, cut a nasty glare at me. I gave him a glare back. Marco was pretty oblivious as he was busy doing a victory jig. He should stop that because nearly everyone inside the cafeteria was looking at him like a freaking pizza.

"You are such a sore loser, Tris," Toby said.

"Big talk coming from the guy who literally shoved Dennis McCollough down the stairs because he lost to Dennis in a talent show."

"That was way back fourth grade," he defended indignantly. "And you would have shoved him as well that day. Who in their right fucking mind would let a person who's talent is just reciting a half-way decent scene from Macbeth? Not me for sure."

"Sore loser." That earned me a bag of chips flying my way. It hit me in the head. "Ow!"

Toby just snorted as he pulled Marco down on his lap. The Filipino boy was blushing madly as he eyed the entire cafeteria, trying to check if someone was looking. (Everyone was). Realising this, he blushed harder, but surreptitiously placed himself in a comfortable position, making Toby smile smugly.

Toby and Marco weren't exactly a secret now since every single time that you would see them, they are literall all over each other. Or, rather, Toby was all over Marco. Holding his hand. Kissing him in the hallways. Touching him possessively. The fact that Marco was wearing some sort of collar that was covertly made to look like a choker helped in kindling the rumours.

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