VIII. Family Tension

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Would you be surprised to hear that Dad remained oblivious for the next two days about our sneaky hospital excursion?

I didn't think so.

The next day after we had visited Simon, Kayla and I shared clandestine looks at each other from time-to-time, and then avert our eyes towards Dad, checking if he had the slightest idea what we have done just yesterday. So far he seems unaware.

I don't know if he's just that stupid or he's just too trusting to not discover our sibling illicit breaking and entering operation. Kayla's French excuse was too flimsy to begin with, and Simon, although very believable, was too suspicious of his action after every time we leave him. From what I had heard from Dad, he seems to be on his cheeriest mood all the time. Greeting random people, helping other patients, and even giving Old Martha (an old woman with mild neurosis) a slice of his ice cream cake.

He also hasn't mentioned my name in front of my father—much to the latter's euphoria. Every time that Dad came to check on him, Simon acted like he doesn't know me—like he hasn't met me. I guess I should've been hurt by that, but seeing Dad's smug look on his face when he told us that over dinner yesterday, enjoying his faux victory, I can't help but laugh at his face inwardly.

Of course I can't actually laugh at his face, or else everything would blow up on mine. Gran and Gramps just sent me sympathetic looks, and I just ducked my head acting that I was trying hard not to cry. But in reality, Kayla and I knew better.

You ain't winnnin' anythin' mothafucka! I jeered subconsciously at him while munching innocently and false dejectedly on my carrot risotto that night. You won nothin'.

Flash forward to present. Kayla and I were currently sprawled on the carpet near the fireplace in front of her laptop. We had planned to go to Simon early this day, but since it's snowing heavily outside and he was having another PET scan today, we decided to have a little staycation.

We were currently watching past episodes of Teen Wolf on her MacBook. What can we say? We're both huge fans of hot American guys who are secretly hot lycanthropes and a human boy with smart mouth. (I CALL DIBS ON SCOTT! AND DEREK! AND STILES! AND DYLAN SPRAYBERRY!)

'Move it you bitch!' I yelled as Stiles was divebombing the pool to save Derek. We've both seen this scene zillion of times before, but we can't help but get the Sterek feels. Again, what can we say? We're huge Sterek fans.

'I had wished that Derek would've drowned and then Stiles has to give him a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation,' Kayla mumbled, gripping her pillow tightly.

'You. me. same.' I was literally on the edge now, gripping the fabric of the carpet tighter than Kayla's. Unfortunately, Derek didn't drown, so our hopes of seeing a hot Sterek action were dashed unmercifully. (How dare you Teen Wolf director! Sob, sniff.)

'YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH!' Kayla screamed in fury as Derek shoved Stiles on the wall. 'HE FUCKING SAVED YOUR LIFE!'

Meanwhile there's me:

'Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him already,' I muttered like a mantra with my fingers crossed. 'Just fucking kiss him. I know you want to!'

A few episodes later, we decided to take a short snack break for stress eating. Who would have known that watching a good show and hoping to see some slash stuff, but be cruelly disappointed to see none would be stressful.

'Oh my God, Tyler Hoechlin's so hot,' Kayla mumbled after taking a sip of her orange juice. 'Like, scorching sun hot.'

'Mhmmm,' I agreed, finishing my Poptart in one bite.

'Too bad he's not in season five anymore,' she sighed. 'I wish I have a boyfriend as hot as him. God knows what I'd do to that one helluva piece of a tool.'

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